Recent content by imbao

  1. Best friend list thread

    Mercader > Reckful
  2. Best of 19s EU

    Priest: Penicillin/Hurrx Mage: Viancoqia Warlock:Leichenlager/Cast Rogue: Dramatized/Irokizashi/Hysterio Druid: Mesikammen Hunter: Naoy Shaman: Eljero Paladin: Phonebook Warrior: Balthasaur
  3. Shadowfang > Heirloom

    Wanna do the maths for sharpened scarlet kris vs shadowfang keeping hemo in mind?
  4. Need help Undead or Bloodelf whats the better race

    male belf for looks and racial
  5. [Mists Of Pandaria] Curley's Rogue Guide

    Re: Curley's Rogue Guide talon of vultros sucks
  6. Any reason to buy MoP for 70 twinking?

    I hear synapse & tazik will be getting nerfed in MoP so I guess lv 70 will be more balanced and hopefully more fun :)
  7. Cárebears Draenor (H)

    I'll tell him not to be so naughty and I guess i'll try to stop midfieldin as much
  8. Who are the best 19s?

    Warrior - Balthasaur, Critrage, Quít Paladin - Phonebook, Yufie, Smullinator Hunter - Boálol, Rastaman, Mezzjuc Rogue - Irokizashi, Réd, Tésco Priest - Khoma, Goodheal, Penícillin Shaman - Eljero, Gingerbred, Rvrstár Mage - Squirtle, Deltron, Varran Warlock - Leichenlager, Cast, Dotlove Druid -...
  9. WSG Jump Repository

    Dem mods removing funny quotes :(
  10. Hours played on Main 19

    64 days
  11. Peace to all my friends

    My favourite part was 2:43 to 4:16 though it was all entertaining and amusing to watch *liked*
  12. 2012 Retail Arena Tournament [2v2, EU]

    Team name: STFU Y'ALL BRAVE: Twinkkï Pittyvaich
  13. Best of 19s EU

    Warr: Quít + Critrage + Balthasaur Paladin: Phonebook (FC) + Smullinator +Snack (D) + Histeria (GY Assist) + Yufie (Retri) Lock: Leichenlager + Zít + Garitos Rogue: Irokizashi + Eriwen + Réd + Tésco + Opponent + Nazzr.............. Druid: Mesikammen (FC) + Healbear + Scabere (Assist) +...
  14. account suspended (wow) help please

    Go on and then make a email to blizzard asking what's happened and why OR make a trial account and ask what happened and why
  15. wtt my acc(eu) for a US acc

    Haters Gonna Hate! - YouTube