Recent content by Fixthis

  1. Legion chromie time

    Do I need to be in legion chromie time while questing there for the increased upgrade chance? I plan to spam maraudon for the spelldagger meanwhile.

    Dont have either one of them

    What chromie time do you use to get ironfoe? Want it on my prot pally
  4. List of Quests That Can Proc Epic (ilvl 87)

    Thx, not much point in doing it then.
  5. List of Quests That Can Proc Epic (ilvl 87)

    can shadowlands quest rewards upgrade to ilvl 87?
  6. Runeblade of Baron Rivendare regen?

    for another question, can crusader be enchanted on the sword still?
  7. Ooze

    Paladins can't get either one of the trinkets ?
  8. Dragonflight F2P & Veteran Armory

    does the discord channel still exist?
  9. Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

    but all the others? was thinking of doing all the dungeons first for maybe an upgrade nvm, just had my first upgrade! quest reward from wotlk
  10. Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

    does all the Dungeon quest rewards have a chance to upgrade to ilvl 87? so classic, tbc, northrend ... dungeon quests?
  11. Strongest melee spec so far?

    my arms warrior also got the staff today, seems a legit upgrade over the artifact, also slapped crusader on it
  12. Strongest melee spec so far?

    wow, any others that are known?