Recent content by Emelia

  1. Emelia

    Be yourself!

    Be yourself!
  2. Emelia

    Insane!! Grats on your ridiculous but awesome achievement!

    Insane!! Grats on your ridiculous but awesome achievement!
  3. Emelia

    Another wonderful night of GT wargames. Too many people is a great problem. We are working on...

    Another wonderful night of GT wargames. Too many people is a great problem. We are working on things to make room everyone so please hang tight <3
  4. Emelia

    I'm so excited to help facilitate a return to AV! It's probably the hardest community event to form!

    I'm so excited to help facilitate a return to AV! It's probably the hardest community event to form!
  5. Emelia

    practice makes perfect. I've only be pvping for roughly 4 months

    practice makes perfect. I've only be pvping for roughly 4 months
  6. Emelia

    50 pve twink

    SL gems are a must with that high of a pve scaling so tbc and anything else with sockets. Oh, and an ooze for sure! idk what totem will do at 50 cause it doesn't hit at lower levels but maybe it will at higher levels
  7. Emelia


    Warforged Gear Procs (10%) // Tert Plus WF Proc (1%) Quest Items: Warforge+Socket+Tert: Helm, Neck, Rings, Waist, and Wrist. Warforge+Tert: Boots, Chest, Cloak, Gloves, Legs, Shoulders, Trinket, and Weapons.
  8. Emelia

    GT Solo Shuffle Arena tonight + we'll be setting up teams for an Arena Tournament/Season.

    GT Solo Shuffle Arena tonight + we'll be setting up teams for an Arena Tournament/Season.
  9. Emelia

    US <<<GOLDEN TWINKIES>>> - The Largest & Most Social guild is recruiting 20s CROSS SERVER / CROSS FACTION (TWW PREPATCH) for BGS / WARGAMES / ARENAS!

    I wish they would increase the guild member count. 1k Twinkies are not enough sugar in my diet! nom nom nom nom... Being full to the point of kicking old toons is a total first world problem!
  10. Emelia

    20 Twink <<WAR(Within)GAMES>> hosted by <Golden Twinkies> UPDATED INFO!

    Crazy busy day in GT. Patch note theorycrafting. Tons of new members in the discord and guild. Wonderful amount of socket gear farmed today. the 13th is going to be crazy balance changes. Looks like we gotta change in-house meta once more. Awesome! theorycrafting is my favorite part of twinking.
  11. Emelia


  12. Emelia

    I'm so happy for you and for what this will bring to the niche as a whole.

    I'm so happy for you and for what this will bring to the niche as a whole.
  13. Emelia

    Grats @Life on your achievement!

    Grats @Life on your achievement!
  14. Emelia

    "Don't tread on me" comes to mind

    "Don't tread on me" comes to mind