Recent content by Elagatis

  1. Weapon question for a 16 priest

    Why can't I find you on the Armory?
  2. Want to Step up My Game

    I thought Curley is a Subtlety Rogue???
  3. Want to Step up My Game

    Thanks I'll give him a shout.
  4. Want to Step up My Game

    I really wish I wouldn't have leveled my Holy Priest to 20. Then I wouldn't have to do all the Profession and gear grinding, but whatever... Maybe I should have waited to post this when I was a little closer to being ready :D
  5. Want to Step up My Game

    I play a few different classes but my favorite to play is the Holy Priest. I had a nearly all BiS Holy Priest, but like I said before, I leveled her to 20 then deleted and started over. I just started working on a new Holy Priest (Not exactly sure how to post link) Bac Edit: Fixed quote
  6. Want to Step up My Game

    Hello All, I've been twinking for a year+. Mostly building twinks, running them through XP on battlegrounds and then deleting them and creating new toons when they hit 20. I'd like to step my game up, turn off my XP and start playing with some skilled players that can send me home crying...