Recent content by doumatjee

  1. doumatjee

    Precious' Ribbon

    May this item stay GFD on our twinks forever. Glad we can still keep resetting the mob though.
  2. doumatjee

    How do you have fun as F2P? (Or vet?)

    I'm too hangover to formulate a proper response. While not alot makes twinks special anymore these days, at least the grind adds meaning to your character and feels rewarding. Also it's fun to see how much you can push the limits within the bubble. Only downside is running into 29 spoons in pvp...
  3. doumatjee

    Where are the noobs?

    EU usually pops inbetween 19.30-22.00. People do a good amount of effort to make them work honestly. 29s rolled back to 20s to make games more equal and there has been some decent games. There's wargames happening every saturday (sometimes sundays too) which people seem to enjoy alot too. The...
  4. doumatjee

    Starter Edition turns 12

    Hell yeah brother. It got the best out of us.
  5. doumatjee

    What are old school 20s players doing nowadays?

    F2P isn't that alive anymore tbh, however most of my friends at mag still play F2P & some people on bnet and few ones you meet in pvp. After playing this bracket for this long where the best period was a little over 10 years ago its hard to care alot really. This due the fact that you've done...
  6. doumatjee

    Are there ethics in Wow Bgs?

    No. You can farm the other team and people will still like you.
  7. doumatjee

    Social ethics in MMOs?

    It lowers overall quality because of inequality in this specific case (20-29) bracket. Back in cata/mop people tried their hardest to keep things fair between both sides rolling the side that needed help most or rolling weaker classes and watching over the bracket in general, an 'unspoken' code...
  8. doumatjee

    Are F2P Tanks still able to solo dungeons?

    You can as anything. Bonus: having a stealth ring to drop/reset mobs. Bonus: being a night elf. Few classes own a few extra ways to drop combat too. I for example as a hunter have Feign Death.
  9. doumatjee

    10 years of F2P

    Holy moly i am still here. I would share a few warstories but honestly im too lazy.
  10. doumatjee

    RIP Korrak's Revenge

    So the scaling sucks & now we don´t get to farm badges anymore either? There goes the legion purple dust straight out of the window eh.
  11. doumatjee

    Druid FC's are ruining the bracket

    Unfortunately unlike 10 years ago carriers need speed now.
  12. doumatjee

    Ques Merged... kinda

    *some guys in bleeding hallow wakes up*
  13. doumatjee

    An actual, honest-to-god, F2P leaderboard

    A true champ. /bow I thought i was somewhat hardcore farming keys in mana tombs back in the day.
  14. doumatjee

    Horde community -- ally sore loser

    The machine