Recent content by DigitalChemyst

  1. DigitalChemyst

    2 Fury Warriors Assassinate Magtheridon

    Enjoyed the video man! Could you post song credits?
  2. DigitalChemyst

    WoW 20's Atlas Dragonflight

    Definitely appreciate the hard work on this thread! I'm using this to get back to gearing my 20's that have been collecting dust since the start of DF. I'll start messing around with some different gear and let you know if I find any of it worth mentioning ;)
  3. DigitalChemyst

    What class and spec do you prefer?

    MM Huntard, always.
  4. DigitalChemyst

    10.2.6 Twink Changes

    Nah, I struggle to kill even totems.
  5. DigitalChemyst

    10.2.6 Twink Changes

    A strange idiosyncrasy I noticed for the SL healing gem is that, at least at level 29, the gem only heals for +100 for each SL gem AFTER the 1st TWO SL gems. So for example, 12 SL gems on my 29 hunter is only healing for 1266 (+133 x 2, +100 x 10). Anyone venture a guess as to why?
  6. DigitalChemyst

    Shadowlands Enchant Scaling

    Hey man, are you looking to put the new Enchant updates into the spreadsheet?
  7. DigitalChemyst

    The War Within Level 21-29s Armory

    29 MM Hunt.
  8. DigitalChemyst

    The War Within Level 21-29s Armory Virility - Stormrage - US Mostly GF'd Hunter with 112 TOC gear
  9. DigitalChemyst

    It's time to say goodbye

    I gotta say man, it has been an absolute pleasure playing with and knowing you. For many years, I looked forward to logging on and queueing up games, whether it was WoW, HotS, or just hopping in Discord to shoot the breeze. I hope that I was able to provide as much insight into the game as you...
  10. DigitalChemyst

    Shadowlands Enchant Scaling

    Paging @Swoops
  11. DigitalChemyst

    Dungeon Lvl Req to Enter. Now vs Dragonflight

    I have started this somewhat in my 20's Starter Guide post. It doesn't have all the level requirements broken out, but everything that can be entered @20 is in there. So far, other than Auchindoun, I have not seen any other dungeons that have changed level reqs to enter. Link to guide...
  12. DigitalChemyst

    The Time Has Come

    I'm a simple man. I see a Voc post, I pop in to see the ensuing shitstorm... :OMEGALUL:
  13. DigitalChemyst

    Bug with Wand Xmog

    So I was on my Priest the other day, and I was trying to kill the cows in Goldshire with my wand like every good twink should, but it was not working! Turns out, if you mog your wand as ANY melee weapon, it becomes completely useless and unable to perform ANY auto-attack! I'm so glad Blizzard...
  14. DigitalChemyst

    Are the numbers of players really declining that strong?

    Agree with @ohti here, mostly... The endgame player base has been declining since it last surged in Legion, mostly due to the reasons stated above. And Bellulars' video does an excellent job of analyzing those reasons, as well as the data used to draw those conclusions. While it is not...
  15. DigitalChemyst

    Brack no longer in charge!

    Please Acti-Blizz, fire Ion!