Recent content by Deathsong

  1. Vanilla WoW F2P

    I like this, I never had the chance to play Vanilla WoW :) I'm also interested in the answer for this question
  2. Join Twisting Nether EU!

    Thank you for your replies. After some thinking I decided to create a Night Elf Warrior called Deathsong (Nelfs are cool), fell free to add me on your friends list. Having someone to play with made me roll alliance. And I also want to help the F2P community grow on Twisting Nether. I'm happy...
  3. Join Twisting Nether EU!

    Hello all! I'm joining the F2P community for the first time, altough I have played wow for years. I usually play as Horde, but from what I read on this thread, the alliance side has more people to do bgs and arenas. My question is if the horde side also has people to queue for arenas? If not...