Recent content by Dasz

  1. The Bracket

    Oh that's all you got right now?
  2. The Bracket

    @Karmaz - I don't have access to any BoA's on that server. Unless I can get ahold of Bern and use the old Acc i used. @Hot - Wtf you still play? Message me your real id hoe.
  3. The Bracket

    @Karmaz - I don't have the money to do that currently. But deff going ret. :) Whats your toons name ingame @Allakazam - Who is this? :)
  4. The Bracket

    Since i've always been considered a top ret i'm planning on rolling a ret. But getting ahold of Bern is so damn hard. Lol. Are you ingame currently?
  5. The Bracket

    I've twinked at 19 29 39 and 49. And I miss twinking. Many 29s will know me as Judgement/Because from Malorne. Judgement/Stealthykill from Farstriders. Wbern has offered to fund me a 24 on WR, and i'm most likely going to. If I can ever get ahold of the bastard. But, just thought i'd say hey to...