Recent content by Arpheton

  1. Arpheton

    Enchanting F2P lvl 20

    It's all in here.
  2. Arpheton

    Health regen items / armor

    Just looking for items that have a health reg without any action or use.
  3. Arpheton

    Health regen items / armor

    Isn't Korrak min. lvl 20?
  4. Arpheton

    Who is more aggressive, horde or alliance? ;-)

    Comparing both sides by going on the Exile's Reach starting ships. If you go on the Alliance ship as horde you will be attacked by nearly the entire crew. Only Captain Garrick is nice to you, even offers you a quest. ;) If you go on the Horde ship as alliance, all horde will be neutral to you...
  5. Arpheton

    Health regen items / armor

    Hi, I'm trying to find some items / armo wirr health regen on my lvl11 druid that exist in addition to the sl gems. Rune of Duty is not available for druid, is there any other amor piece that gives health regen on lvl 11? Only other thing usable on a 11 I found is Strong Troll's Blood Elixir.
  6. Arpheton

    QoL Things to buy and get in 1 month?

    You bought a month, it's not f2p anymore. It's vet. It's not the same. ;) Go unlock mechagon, you can't do it later on the 20.
  7. Arpheton

    Any Germans here ?

    I don't think pvp queues are language separated, I got ppl from Spanish servers often in bgs.
  8. Arpheton

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Maybe I can get some toys I'm missing on my f2p now. If it doesn't take to long to farm bronze, I don't really want to play this..
  9. Arpheton

    What class and spec do you prefer?

    Guardian Druid (sometimes as restro). If you can't solo something, you can run away. :D
  10. Arpheton

    How to: Level 1 Hunter with Pet

    Yes. Rejuv ticks for 10 and lifebloom for 2. Would be fine, but not enough to heal both, druid and hunter.
  11. Arpheton

    How to: Level 1 Hunter with Pet

    I tried to heal the hunter through fatigue, but I didn't manage it. Healing the druid and the hunter doesn't work. The dmg from fatigue on the hunter ticks for 51 and the heals tick for 10 and 2. So that's impossible. Maybe there's another way to get him out.
  12. Arpheton

    How to: Level 1 Hunter with Pet

    I grouped with a XP off char. So I gained nearly no XP. Should work as @Azeroh explained here, I will test this later.
  13. Arpheton

    How to: Level 1 Hunter with Pet

    Level 1 Hunter with pet is still possible.
  14. Arpheton

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    I was is WoD timeline too. Didn't count. Great, maybe I can get some kills to count next week.
  15. Arpheton

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    To late. I'm at 40 kills and still only 2 count. Not time to play this weekend. :( Edit: Just did another kill and it didnt count.