Recent content by Accelerator

  1. EU Less Is More - Funding 20/29 Twinks

    added you on btag.
  2. EU Less is More - Ravencrest Ally

    added you and the other person recruiting for the guild on btag.
  3. US Looking for 29 twink guild

    im a veteran player,have 29 twinks on alliance and horde, will be will to realm transfer. i have a mic and discord and looking to grind honor and get my honor level up as high as possible, hmu on bnet my battletag is zandrix#1153.
  4. US Looking for 29 twink guild

    29 twink rogue looking for a guild to run with preferably with veteran players to grind honor with, i am very active and have a mic if discord is needed, i am central time zone and have alot of pvp experience. i have a 29 twink horde rogue on bleedinghollow and a twink alliance rogue on arathor...