Ideally I just want to join big friendly community Also i hear that twink community has something like discord programm, I wish you tell me about that too. Please send me answer to my mailbox, I will be waiting! thank you!
I am read a lot of your stuff about 29 and decide to create mage if you are interested. So my main question: what the server i can choose to find twink guild? My own language is russian but i can speak eng a little bit. Your guild have a lot of members? I am checking vanilla armories, saw your shammy (nice!!!) and your guild.
Hey! I am a big fan of 29 bracket twinks and i wish to join some guild which can helps me to gear my twink in instance and create premades. Unfortunately i have no time to create a main char so I'm just played my only twink char and try to found money at the first time etc.