HOLY PALADINS TrialKiller vs Amelletta


cute premade btw

funny that you got Bigbadd-Bleedinghollow to sit Alli flag in Alli FR and wait for your team to be ready to cap too, rank 1 strat m8.
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Who the fuck is bigdad. And that screenshot is old as fuck. Lol i dont even play anymore....
Amell know's he's the shittiest hpally, that's why he keeps re-rolling ret and sitting gy farms dead then going brew when he's had enough.

Just give it up Amell, I already got you beat in every stat and 2s skirmish rating... go play brew like a good little Jaja.
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You're also running a pretty heavy 29 premade Amell... my team is all 20s and I was solo healer. Enjoy rolling with brew monks and fotm scum.

Love that you only run premades and still lose almost 50% of your bg's though, quite the champ.
You're also running a pretty heavy 29 premade Amell... my team is all 20s and I was solo healer. Enjoy rolling with brew monks and fotm scum.

Love that you only run premades and still lose almost 50% of your bg's though, quite the champ.
I thought you were the puglord tho trialkiller? Surely no measly premade can stand up to your "great" skill in pugs. If you truly are the puglord stop making excuses when you get against a shit team, and stop running from these teams by afking. Or is your name only trialkiller because thats the only player you stand a chance against....
Jaja's see the Pug Lord and expect him to carry, selfish Jaja's. Selfishness is for the Pug Lord, for his self is the only one that matters, and the Pug Lord has no time for carrying silly Jaja's against mongo Alliance premades and their small penis FotM. When you see the Pug Lord don't ask how he can help you, but how you can help him, for when you help the Pug Lord you help yourself. Purge all the FotM'ness from your souls and embrace the potential to be more than just a Jaja peasant, for that is the way of the Pug Lord.

I will help guide any and all to greatness. The first step is to stop playing as or with FotM spec's, and the second step is to get as many Battle Standards in your void as you can, Son.

I will bring more teachings on another day.
When you see the Pug Lord don't ask how he can help you, but how you can help him, for he is the one that needs help. In reality I am a selfish Jaja and have such great hate for them because I am one myself. When people see me in battlegrounds they ask me, trialkiller when are you gonna afk already, for that is the way of the Pug Lord.

Ok......thanks for sharing trialkiller
I think I shall write a book about the struggles that trialkiller has to deal with on a daily basis. I was thinking about Mein Kamf for the title but apparently it's already a book. Anyone else want to suggest a title?
yea thats the end score. and yes there was a half 1v1 at FRR but then you had 3 team mates res and it was a 4v1....and the hunter got the kill on me. then there was the mid to BeT tower you where following me all the way only thing was just behind you was 80% of your team. and it was the shaman there that got that kill. so saying there was a 1v1 is a load of shit cunt. the half 1v1 at frr i had you all day and if your to blind to see that then fuck there is no hope for you at all. here is a screen shot of what my team was doing all game.. View attachment 6384 I use the word team... i should just say total retartds. fighting in mid all game and not targeting healers.


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