Hello everyone 
ill get right to it. I'm setting a Date and time for a 29's wargame pug.
to sign up please post a link of your toon your willing to play on.
the date/time is australian time zone, so work out what that is for you.
Saturday the 20th of February at 9am, Frostmourne ( Australian Eastern Standard Time UTC +10) sever date/time.
if we get the numbers game's will start at 9.30 am. please be online by 9 am
1# No Feral Druids
2# 3 healer max per team
3# no spec stacking
4# No Graveyard Jump's
5# Max two stealth
6# Max two of each class
( resto druid FC will not count as a healer or stealth )
Team leaders will be voted for by the team that sign's up. working mic and head set is a must.
what voice will be used on the day ill post at least a week ahead after getting feed back from signed up players.
* there will be update's and change's to Rule's (not to date or time) so please keep and eye on thread.
time zone link
Add my Btag: Amelletta#1732
ill get right to it. I'm setting a Date and time for a 29's wargame pug.
to sign up please post a link of your toon your willing to play on.
the date/time is australian time zone, so work out what that is for you.
Saturday the 20th of February at 9am, Frostmourne ( Australian Eastern Standard Time UTC +10) sever date/time.
if we get the numbers game's will start at 9.30 am. please be online by 9 am
1# No Feral Druids
2# 3 healer max per team
3# no spec stacking
4# No Graveyard Jump's
5# Max two stealth
6# Max two of each class
( resto druid FC will not count as a healer or stealth )
Team leaders will be voted for by the team that sign's up. working mic and head set is a must.
what voice will be used on the day ill post at least a week ahead after getting feed back from signed up players.
* there will be update's and change's to Rule's (not to date or time) so please keep and eye on thread.
time zone link
Add my Btag: Amelletta#1732
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