New rated system for all twink brackets

You're just copying what I'm saying while dodging it. And you can't even use the words in the correct context.

It's pretty clear that you're just trying to sound smart for the sake of feeling superior to others on the internet. Have fun with that.

That is what "quoting" is, copying what other people say/state.
You still have failed to state what "buzzwords" I used. What was it I "dodged"? For I answered the only question you had in your response. It seems to me it is you that are "dodging" my friend, not I. Since you did not respond to "buzzwords" inquiry.

Ever on topic...

its fine i was able to get my 70 mage to pop up, but alt code chars arent working at all for me. weird

Some characters that were on the "list" one day were not on there the next day. This happened about a week ago. It could have possibly happened because of maintenance I suppose. I have not perused the site very much in a week or so. But I did enter a lot of armory characters from some the other brackets. Some were there and some were not. As of note, I was just looking at total HKs when making sure a character was entered into the site. Not everyone, or at least every character, partakes in skirmishes.

It is your opinion that skill is not important or grandiose. To some people, it is, and therefore
Your point???
I actually used poker as an example. Keep on keepin on!!

Feel free to link Wikipedia's "skill" or you all can just quote it's first sentence and compare it to my definition and see how they compare.

It's your opinion that the skill required to play wow is not important to people.

You say skill = acquired knowledge. Wiki states skill in terms of gaming is 'where the outcome is determined mainly by mental or physical skill, rather than by chance.'

Sure, by your literal definition of the word skill, it might not seem important or anything to shout about, but in WoW/twinking/PvP, there is 'mental or physical skill' involved and therefore not totally irrelevant like what you're claiming.
It is your opinion that skill is not important or grandiose. To some people, it is, and therefore

It's your opinion that the skill required to play wow is not important to people.

You say skill = acquired knowledge. Wiki states skill in terms of gaming is 'where the outcome is determined mainly by mental or physical skill, rather than by chance.'

Sure, by your literal definition of the word skill, it might not seem important or anything to shout about, but in WoW/twinking/PvP, there is 'mental or physical skill' involved and therefore not totally irrelevant like what you're claiming.

Oh, I am quite positive that I did not state that "skill" was not important to people. As a matter of fact I even stated more than once that it does take "skill" to play WoW. And it does. Skill is a learned trait. It is as simple as that.
Even the lowest job takes a "skill". Some "skills" just take longer to learn. For instance, a person may take a week to learn the "skill" of working at a fast food restaurant. On the other hand it may take years to learn the "skill" of being a mechanic or electrician. While it could take decades to learn the "skill" of becoming a good judge.

Everything you learn is from experience.

Oh, I am quite positive that I did not state that "skill" was not important to people.

You all just think "skill" is some grand and special thing. It is not.

Maybe not to you, but skill is a grand and special thing to a whole number of people.

What you want is for everyone to start calling each other talented, or claim they have talent, because according to you, that is the correct way to talk about 'skill in mashin buttens'. But in PvP there is more to it, there is a talent whereby someone can press buttons faster than the next guy (due to faster physical reactions, unrelated to knowledge), and people on this forum call that skill.

You're like the old fart telling everyone GIF is pronounced JIF. Maybe to you, but not to the rest of us here.
Call it what you like. But "skill" is acquired. It is not something you are given at birth, much to the chagrin of many here on TI and across the world's Internet gaming forums. Even a janitor can have a "skill" at unclogging a toilet. But it takes a special one to do it quickly.
People learn "skills" early in life. We can list many, feel free to add to the list if you like, crawling, walking, talking, writing, continence and later on riding a bicycle, driving a vehicle etc... Those are all learned "skills" that we take for granted each and every day
Now, that is not to say a "skill" can't be mastered. Sometimes people can be better than others at a certain skill. For instance, patience is a learned skill that very few here on TI have yet to learn. Thus, they are not very good at it. Which means the few that have learned it will be much better than them.

Jif is a mighty fine peanut butter. Although, it is not my fav...

Call it what you like. But "skill" is acquired. It is not something you are given at birth, much to the chagrin of many here on TI and across the world's Internet gaming forums. Even a janitor can have a "skill" at unclogging a toilet. But it takes a special one to do it quickly.
People learn "skills" early in life. We can list many, feel free to add to the list if you like, crawling, walking, talking, writing, continence and later on riding a bicycle, driving a vehicle etc... Those are all learned "skills" that we take for granted each and every day
Now, that is not to say a "skill" can't be mastered. Sometimes people can be better than others at a certain skill. For instance, patience is a learned skill that very few here on TI have yet to learn. Thus, they are not very good at it. Which means the few that have learned it will be much better than them.

Jif is a mighty fine peanut butter. Although, it is not my fav...

Seems I fail at quoting.

Ally, these skilled folk you see on TI, are in fact talking about their video game talent
Ah, so they were born being able to play video games. They didn't have to learn to do it?

And video gamers are athletes too aren't they?

nice thing dude. i made the site, but its based on the info openly available. think i need to check out this API thing myself :)

i added some of my twinks to your site, and it seems like my standard queuing arenas solo on the most drunken nights has had me punished :p

Could you add Dmg and Healing done per BG?
Ah, so they were born being able to play video games. They didn't have to learn to do it?

And video gamers are athletes too aren't they?


well they call it sports nowadays, so i guess they think of themselves as athletes. (they often compare themselves to real athletes).

its funny to me to see this CoD, WoW gamers comparing this games tournaments to NBA, NFL etc...
well they call it sports nowadays, so i guess they think of themselves as athletes. (they often compare themselves to real athletes).

its funny to me to see this CoD, WoW gamers comparing this games tournaments to NBA, NFL etc...

Anyone can think of themselves as anything. That does not mean it is true.
They love to think of themselves as special snowflakes. We have witnessed here time and time again. Hell, we are witnessing it right now in some threads by artificially narrowing the playing field to only make themselves appear to the "best" in a small field. Whoopie!!!!
Naturally, you are going to be in the top five when you make the restrictions so tight there only five of you. Kek...
What they fail to understand is, it would be even more awesome to be in the top five of THOUSANDS or at least hundreds! As opposed to top five of five.

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there are no statistics for damage and healing done in battlegrounds, only "total damage done" and "total healing done".

Just as there are no stats for dispels. If there were stats for dispels, we would see how truly dismal the majority of twink healers are, as very few bother dispelling.
yeah, healers should get some love in the statistics, like dispels and shields cast.

Most people play damage specs, so it will get the spotlight on most occasions. Especially in the lowbie brackets where even healing specced players do not even play their classes to their full potential.
The times healers get the spotlight in PvP is when someone is bitching about NOT getting a heal or when "restrictions" are choking them.

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