Arena Queuing Thread


I shamelessly copy Faels Thread:

Gonna start an Arena Queuing thread for the F2P section. Post here when you're queuing skirmishes, or looking for teams to face.

Also, here's a list of Btags (for EU scroll down) to help find groups or games, a big thanks to [MENTION=17375]LennywBoreanTundra[/MENTION] for the compilation.
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Good idea to make a similar thread for EU. Thanks for putting The Battle Tag list here as well :)!

Good luck with this, also - on EU you guys should start Advertising . We need more EU twinks here.

And can anyone help me get in contact with a f2p that runs sub on EU atm ?Planning for some EU 10v10s again.(One more reason we need more EU players on TI).

Having mage priest mirrors on Aggramar! come join the fun!
finished, great games!
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done (crazy comp if u like playing like being on drugs -.-)

3s RShaman/WW/WL
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Holydin/Rogue Mirrors.
Join the fun
edit: some RShaman/WL/WW
edit: some RShaman/WW
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Poke me or [MENTION=14809]Lankypuss[/MENTION] if interested in WG
edit: done

WTB more EU-teams
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