Project: GG 29



GG29 is Open and Funding the following :

Druids :
Resto Flag Carrier

Hunters :
Beast Mastery

Priests :

Monks :

Warriors :

Shamans :

Warlocks :

Paladins :

Mages :

GG 29 - Was created to gear and grow the 29 bracket by :

1. Recruiting new and excited players
2. Bringing back veterens of the bracket and helping them finish up there gear
3. Promoting more activity and competition in the bracket
4. Increasing guild numbers and events for the bracket

GG 29 Offers full and partial funding of your character's gear and enchants for you to succeed on 1 request that you will have to fill out a Application of a few questions, so we can see if you put alot of effort into your Application!

Who are we?
We are a guild on anvilmar/undermine called Fried Chicken that is trying to get the bracket bigger and stronger so we dont fall!

Where is this all happening?
GG 29 is based on Alliance side Anvilmar/Undermine US, Basically the home of some of the greatest 29 twinks to play and support this bracket!

Here's the deal :
We won't be giving out free gear or handouts for nothing, If you want funding you will need to fill out a application of the 17 questions I list later.
If you put enough dedication, effort, and time into your application you will most likely will be accepted and if you are accepted you will be replied to on this thread, and will be contacted by one of the accepters! Also When you reply with your Application please leave your battletag so we know who to add thanks!

Funding Application Questions :
Answer these questions and wait for a reply that says you've been accepted or declined!

1. What class and spec would you like to recieve funding on and why?
2. What do you need? (Gear/Guild)
3. Have you played in a twink bracket before?
4. Why do you need funding?
5. How can our funding help your twinking experience in our bracket?
6. How do you contribute to your team?
7. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
8. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 29 community?
9. How did you find out / Who referred you to this thread?
10. What do you have to offer for the 29 Bracket/Community?

Accepters are :

Funded Character Armories Here :
Brewmaster Monk -

Hunkofmonk- Tons of Heavy Silver Rings, 4 Stacks of Elemental force, and a few gift enchants!
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1. What class and spec would you like to recieve funding on and why?
I'd prefer my windwalker monk (or Brewmaster if we're feely cheesy), but I've been working on a Enh shaman as well... so I could switch if needed.

2. What do you need? (Gear/Guild)
Actually not 100% sure... I'm relatively new to the bracket, I could definently use some guidance, particularley on scaling gear.

3. Have you played in a twink bracket before?

Yes! Since late BC/early wotlk, with 39s/49's and even 60's! During cata, I worked mostly on endgame stuff, and since MoP I've been casually participating in 70+ brackets. It would be great to get into some more competitive stuff.

4. Why do you need funding?
Because I spend too much gold on Battle Pets... But really I don't need funding gold-wise, just wisdom from more experienced twinkers.

5. How can our funding help your twinking experience in our bracket?
I would copy-paste my last answer, but that might seem lazy. :x

6. How do you contribute to your team?
I have an obsession with killing EFCs... I'm not sure why, considering how bad I am at chasing druids, but eh, It's fun.

7. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

Kind of. It has been a VERY long time since I've done any competitive PvP. Arenas kind of drove me from it for endgame, as I've always enjoyed larger scale PvP. As things currently stand, nothing special really qualifies me. I hope to find a niche through regular participation though.

8. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 29 community?
Because afaik, it's the only active bracket that isn't 19s. No offense to 19s... I just dont want to farm an AGM or two.

9. How did you find out / Who referred you to this thread?

Starburstt's Bnet status :D

10. What do you have to offer for the 29 Bracket/Community?
Not much skill-wise. I do occasionally make large batches of Heavy Silver Rings I'd be happy to donate, and I seem to have better luck than most finding BoEs randomly. This is mostly an opportunity for me to learn from others.

My Btag is TOMMEH#1943
I'm a long time lurker here at Twinkinfo, not sure I've ever posted anything though :x
1. What class and spec would you like to recieve funding on and why?
Rdruid fc spec
2. What do you need? (Gear/Guild)
3. Have you played in a twink bracket before?
19, 29, 39
4. Why do you need funding?
im poor, very actually
5. How can our funding help your twinking experience in our bracket?
Allows me to help the bracket out with what every bracket needs.
6. How do you contribute to your team?
experienced fc
7. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
no, im really not
8. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 29 community?
9. How did you find out / Who referred you to this thread?
Front page of twinkinfo
10. What do you have to offer for the 29 Bracket/Community?
Experience and good intentions
I'm Glad to say your Application has been ACCEPTED! We will be able to give you most of your FC gear but not all of it due to not in stock!
Project: GG 29 Is Funding everything If you're Interested just fill out an application and We will tell you right away Lets grow our community!

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