Arms>prot too, tbh. But it's a lot less fun >:3 Something's just really fun about thunderclap slowing and dotting everything within a 12y range of you. Arms doesn't usually have the rage to spend on whirlwind/tclap spam, but that's some chunky aoe added when everything is rended already.
Fury brings nothing that an enhance shaman doesn't do better besides mortal strike. I started out as fury but I won't go back now that I've used the other two specs.
As far as those bands... Yeah they're one of the things you could consider BiS. 7str/12stam/5crit is better than the SM bracers' 6str/9stam/5crit/3haste. The real difference in performance from 1 str and 3 stam is negligible, but I know people who crave BiS aren't interested in that xD
Other bracers to get would be revelosh's 12AP/7stam, and possibly
Noxxion's Shackles - Item - World of Warcraft . Not sure about those, though.
Real question though, where are you coming across these things?
PS: Sorry to hear about your opinion on WW

It's my fav thing to play, though I do think too much dmg is shoved into FoF. The mobility/utility and procs/cds to juggle just makes it a blast imo.