Balance Druid build Thoughts?

I'd go with sapphire spellthread on legs and I think greater spell power on bracers and major healing on gloves might scale better than your current (I'd get a second opinion though). I would also be using a lens over boa head if you have access. Do you know if your aquamarine ring scales? If not, charged gear of intellect scales to 12 and provides some small resistances.
Looks a lot like mine, agreed you should be getting a charged gear when possible.

In terms of helm if you can get hold of a sorcery lens I would certainly advise it. If not eagle or int lens are still strong as and are definitely options over your current heirloom helm. Deadwalker bracers need a different enchant as already stated and I would agree with Adeimantus that sapphire spellthread is a better choice due to the stam and the abysmal value crit has in this bracket.

Items to consider money no object: Unearthed bands of the eagle are a definite upgrade against deadwalker as they add stam allowing you to drop it elsewhere. Opening up options such as shroud of gilneas and merciful greaves. Even a 2nd charged gear of intellect.

Overall looks pretty good and fairly similar to my own, I like it for an aggressive mid fight / hit n run style build. Now you want to start looking at how you can chop n change things to suit situations. What you have in your bags waiting to be used can almost be as important as what you currently have equipped.
Yeah I was trying to find the best balance between a good amount of HP, haste, and then spell power, I'll try to get the stuff you guys have said, I think the sapphire spellthreads would definitely make my set better as I was looking for different places to find stam but not lose any spell power and it will leave room to get more so :) thanks guys, I'll bump this thread when I get the better gear!
Ill definitely get that set, i may not play it 100% of the time because of no surv seems like, but id love to try it for the immense dmg!

Agreed to an extent but boomie feels like the class best equipped with distancing itself and therefor needing the lowest hp of all casters. I would also add that the AP from aquamarine signet does increase cat damage so you should use aquamarine of int over the 2nd charged gear. And I should get one to replace my SM ring xD
Yeah, def an int aquamarine ring.

I think boomy needs more than one set depending on what he's trying to do.

An SP/int set while fighting mid, and an int/agi set while going for efc.

examples of differences include: Rev int gloves with +7sp is good for mid. Rev falcon gloves with +8 agi is way better for returns. A weap with 15 int > 20sp, 5int to bracers > 6sp.

Something to note for boomy is that while cat does a lot of dmg, it's only good to dump your energy pool, then go back to spreading dots/rejuvs and nuking. Thrash's AOE dot actually does comparable/good damage to your caster ones if you stay in cat or bear once you finish moon/sunfiring everything.

I think a good boomy has a vastly higher skillcap than most 39s classes. There's a lot of utility to juggle alongside multiple resources and damage potential to take advantage of.
I'm looking forward to getting mine geared... though it's horde and horde doesn't need help in bgs atm.
For one agi has no affect in boomy and int gives ap when going in cat form so no need in going for falcon gloves, but I do agree I personally have around 3 sets I run as boomy, a hybrid set mostly for healing or when I'm being agressive in cat, a sp set and a fc set because I seem to always have to fc, but I do agree boomy has a relatively high skillcap compared to most 39
Agi gear contributions work in catform, and when you're going for returns you may dump your starsurges but catform is going to be the deciding factor. Falcon items have a higher offensive stat budget to contribute in that regard.

That being said, falcon gloves are as rare as monkey gloves. That's most probably a long ass time farming revelosh. Took me long enough to get int gloves. Don't even wanna talk about how long it took me to get stam+bear boots, stam shoulders, stam bracers, and AP bracers for my war :S

The total gain from -- best case scenario, not including eagle unearthed bands(still a bit jelly), swapping to falcon lens, falcon ring and falcon gloves, enchanting 15int to weap over 20sp, 5int to bracers over 6sp, and 8agi to gloves over 7sp -- is 44AP for the cost of 25sp A bit further with double falcon rings.

44AP is a pretty big chunk on ferocious bite for a consiberably smaller chunk off of starsurge.

But again -- that's a lot of effort for an EFC killing set to be marginally more efficient. Can't see anyone actually following through with it.
Snowjobs, i've never seen such creative theorycrafting in my life, i think your my new role model for twinking, i'd bow to you if i could, i really want to try adn see if that works now!

EDIT: fang set gives an extra 23 attack power over my current set... set bonus doesnt scale.

glad that worked out for you . its a shame the set bonuses don't scale. With that being the case i would limit use of that set to a large bite set and not a versatile mid/ utility set. Something to consider as well is the value of crit over haste with feral play as a resto or boomy. Crits give extra combo points and haste doesn't really do shit for u inside of your first three shreds. ATM I am building the current sets on my RDRUID.

Pure max Heal.
Lots of int and haste gear. I would primarily use this set when I'm the only healer or heals are lacking and i need to max my output to keep the team up. Best with camps using heavy burst. Lots of haste enchants

Pure heal with spirit.
For comps with a lot more dot pressure that could take longer to secure kills you might want to consider spirit so you don't room. (would rarely use this set). Lots of haste enchants

Balanced Crit Heavy
This set would have a higher amount of stam probably about 7 to 8 k . Would have a large amount of crit. The set would be played to maximize the effect of all of my cool downs. Would toss out spot heals primarlly lifebloom , and regrowth swift mend combos. outside of that i would swap between cat and bear to rapidly build combos and keep bleeds on everyone. Lots of crit enchants.

This would be the set which maximizes my ferocious bite damage. It would use lots of FALCON items and possibly the fang set if that turned out to be bis. So that would be the falcon bracers from gnome. falcon rings from gnome and aquamarine of falcon, green lens of falcon. ECT. It would have versatility enchants and probably very low stam but hey if you can grab zerk and bite a fc for 80% of their health ur fine .

Anyways if you could do me a solid and post what the fang set items scale too that would be fantastic. see ya in the gulch . <3
It seems that you can get more ap from other armor as a rdruid . Fang set is still decent as you can keep up a lot of Stam but there are better options for absolute max ap .

Currently I'm curious how Warden's Footpads - Item - World of Warcraft scales as it looks real nice for a bite set

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