BM vs Feral

So I just saw the thread with me using guard. That was my 2nd BG in the bracket so far since the big revival, I played a few games a few months ago when we organized them for a night or two. First game I was asked to stop using guard and said I'd think about it. I get the idea behind it but is it really that big of a deal that it needs to be banned at 39? Mine for instance is 7k, people are hitting pretty hard and can blow through that pretty easy. Moran posted it and he's on a feral, is feral not banned? But guard is?
Also Disc is by far the toughest heals in the bracket. I strongly believe that no class could 1v1 a disc. Should they not be played as well? Or disallow bubble? Just tossing out some ideas to help even things up.
Rules like this are bullshit. Especially where guard isn't even all that bad at this level. I had this brew twinked about 6 months ago and now I have to not use abilities but people are on ferals? Opening a ticket about that insta kick with blizzard hopefully we can get that fixed soon.
Not trying to be a dick here I respect it, just don't understand it. Prolly will go WW if anything.

Just STFU please - a BM can 1v1 a disc easily, follow by the brackets rules, ferals are banned, NO guarding unless holding flag, we warned you to stop using it and you didnt, we are all in vent and we sykn instant kick you. So if you want to come to this bracket you follow by its rules.

You come from a bracket that has people who aren't paying for this game that you can farm, tbh I encourage that - pay for the fuking game or don't bitch about it. But you can't bring your crappy 29 bracket flash bombing guarding shit attitude to this bracket. If you want that go back to the crappy bracket that has never had a premade.
Just STFU please - a BM can 1v1 a disc easily, follow by the brackets rules, ferals are banned, NO guarding unless holding flag, we warned you to stop using it and you didnt, we are all in vent and we sykn instant kick you. So if you want to come to this bracket you follow by its rules.

You come from a bracket that has people who aren't paying for this game that you can farm, tbh I encourage that - pay for the fuking game or don't bitch about it. But you can't bring your crappy 29 bracket flash bombing guarding shit attitude to this bracket. If you want that go back to the crappy bracket that has never had a premade.

You obviously have no idea who I am. Ive played 19s since 2007. Im not some new twinker. I had a 39 in 2008 as well. Ive only played 29s for about 2 months since i switched there from 19s hop off it. Don't act like this is you are anyone else's bracket exclusively. Read the thread. I said im trying WW. As soon as blizzard fixes that afk glitch what will you do then bub? Im reporting it, and when they fix it, its gnna be this comment exclusively that keeps me playing brew and guarding all day long, unless I decide I like WW.
Cheers m8
So I just saw the thread with me using guard. That was my 2nd BG in the bracket so far since the big revival, I played a few games a few months ago when we organized them for a night or two. First game I was asked to stop using guard and said I'd think about it. I get the idea behind it but is it really that big of a deal that it needs to be banned at 39? Mine for instance is 7k, people are hitting pretty hard and can blow through that pretty easy. Moran posted it and he's on a feral, is feral not banned? But guard is?
Also Disc is by far the toughest heals in the bracket. I strongly believe that no class could 1v1 a disc. Should they not be played as well? Or disallow bubble? Just tossing out some ideas to help even things up.
Rules like this are bullshit. Especially where guard isn't even all that bad at this level. I had this brew twinked about 6 months ago and now I have to not use abilities but people are on ferals? Opening a ticket about that insta kick with blizzard hopefully we can get that fixed soon.
Not trying to be a dick here I respect it, just don't understand it. Prolly will go WW if anything.

Are you really applying the same stupid selfish logic to defend your choice of class for 39s the same way you defended using the horde GY jump in your guild v guild. For god's sake grow some balls man, play what is fair and stop trying to make excuses for all the cheap shit you do...
Are you really applying the same stupid selfish logic to defend your choice of class for 39s the same way you defended using the horde GY jump in your guild v guild. For god's sake grow some balls man, play what is fair and stop trying to make excuses for all the cheap shit you do...

I don't believe I commented even a word on allowing the GY jumps. All im saying is ive had the brew for a long time so I want to play it without gimping myself. If you would read the fucking thread you would see I said im going WW. One more time for everyone else to see before I have to comment this for the fourth time. I, Jamesb, am going to try WW (Windwalker) Monk instead of BM (Brewmaster) Monk. I will see how I like it. Can I simplify this any more?

No creo que se me comentó incluso una palabra por la que se autoriza la GY saltos. Todos im diciendo es que he tenido el café desde hace mucho tiempo, por lo que quiero jugar sin gimping yo mismo. Si usted desea leer el puto hilo puede que vea me dijo que mi mundo. Una vez más, para todos los demás a ver antes de que me tengo que comentar esto por cuarta vez. I, Jamesb, voy a probar WW (Windwalker) monje en lugar de BM (cocimiento) Monje. Voy a ver cómo me gusta. ¿Puedo simplificar esto?

Jesus Christ hop off
If you really wanted to talk to me you wouldnt have removed me from btag when you didn't get bracket manager lmao plz stop harassing me your creeping me out g
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Straight up my apologies to anyone who I offended, I actually didn't know the rules and just felt as though the community went about expressing them to me the wrong way. As stated, im gonna try out WW. Nuff said.
I don't believe I commented even a word on allowing the GY jumps. All im saying is ive had the brew for a long time so I want to play it without gimping myself. If you would read the fucking thread you would see I said im going WW. One more time for everyone else to see before I have to comment this for the fourth time. I, Jamesb, am going to try WW (Windwalker) Monk instead of BM (Brewmaster) Monk. I will see how I like it. Can I simplify this any more?

No creo que se me comentó incluso una palabra por la que se autoriza la GY saltos. Todos im diciendo es que he tenido el café desde hace mucho tiempo, por lo que quiero jugar sin gimping yo mismo. Si usted desea leer el puto hilo puede que vea me dijo que mi mundo. Una vez más, para todos los demás a ver antes de que me tengo que comentar esto por cuarta vez. I, Jamesb, voy a probar WW (Windwalker) monje en lugar de BM (cocimiento) Monje. Voy a ver cómo me gusta. ¿Puedo simplificar esto?

Jesus Christ hop off
If you really wanted to talk to me you wouldnt have removed me from btag when you didn't get bracket manager lmao plz stop harassing me your creeping me out g

Well firstly I still do have you on btag and you defending BM then saying " I might try WW" is not enough to assure anybody of your cheap ways....everyone knows your word is like a candle in the wind. And you really think me attacking you is based on yours truly not being bracket master LOLOLOL. I am attacking you because of the dumb shit you have been doing. All the useless annoying posts, the cheap shit you pull then try to justify it, the fact that any character you play is complete garbage but yet you have the biggest mouth, the fact that you set up tournaments and waste people's time and cancel it last minute or quit anything you do because people don't like you. Your weak and dependent on people's opinion of you, and that's not even me shit talking you....that's me telling you the truth.... #realitycheck
Well firstly I still do have you on btag and you defending BM then saying " I might try WW" is not enough to assure anybody of your cheap ways....everyone knows your word is like a candle in the wind. And you really think me attacking you is based on yours truly not being bracket master LOLOLOL. I am attacking you because of the dumb shit you have been doing. All the useless annoying posts, the cheap shit you pull then try to justify it, the fact that any character you play is complete garbage but yet you have the biggest mouth, the fact that you set up tournaments and waste people's time and cancel it last minute or quit anything you do because people don't like you. Your weak and dependent on people's opinion of you, and that's not even me shit talking you....that's me telling you the truth.... #realitycheck

I actually play really well on any of my toons, and don't care about anyones opinion. Everyone liked me until I quit 29s. I don't even pull any cheap shit dude. I never commented on the GY jumps, they were never allowed, nor disallowed. I am 100% going to try WW if I don't like it im playing brew w/o guard. and that's that. I don't see whats cheap. As for waisting people time, it was actually me waisting my own time. You have your view I have mine, you think you know me so well so you should have noticed by now your only waisting your time trying to talk to me.
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instant kick has been a thing for years i can almost guarantee that you reporting it wont do shit

o and second: good people dont need to go around telling others theyre good. usually the other people tell you about it. stop trying so hard. just a little tip i found out once i became a god @ this gam
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the feral wasnt insta kicked so why would you instakick a bm using guard in a 1v1 vs a feral? ofc right, because the feral is famous on twinkinfo and you dicksucking US ppl have serious problems with worshipping your bracket gods
the feral wasnt insta kicked so why would you instakick a bm using guard in a 1v1 vs a feral? ofc right, because the feral is famous on twinkinfo and you dicksucking US ppl have serious problems with worshipping your bracket gods

I don't know if that's even it. Most people don't even like him. I think they would have had the alliance been in comms together. It's okay though, hopefully everyone just follows the rules. If I see a brew using guard that doesn't get kicked in gonna be pissed and plan on being in comms to help boot that person from here on out.
Don't fucking argue with Livin. He told you to stop breaking the rules, so just fucking do it. Why'd you argue about such a thing?

If a fucking police officer comes up and tells you to stop selling cocaine, are you gonna argue about the law? Like are you actually this retarded? How the fuck are you a bracket manager?
Don't fucking argue with Livin. He told you to stop breaking the rules, so just fucking do it. Why'd you argue about such a thing?

If a fucking police officer comes up and tells you to stop selling cocaine, are you gonna argue about the law? Like are you actually this retarded? How the fuck are you a bracket manager?

Actually yeah because I believe all drugs should be legal because people should be able to do anything they want that doesn't harm others. It's a personal choice, like wearing a seatbelt. Stop beating a dead horse. Me and living are cool. I said I'm trying WW. I wonder if livings dick ever gets sore from everyone riding it.
instant kick has been a thing for years i can almost guarantee that you reporting it wont do shit

The best thing about 39s is the way the community enforces itself for years with instant kicks. Certain people in the community try to uphold rules to keep pug games balanced as much as possible.

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