World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 29 Twinks

I agree with that Sanitarium said, its so true we are such good trolls, look at me :p
Hey everyone look at me I can try to troll, cause i would never record my ugly ass infront of a camera. Oh look let me judge someone who will. Great video tho!
Oh damn you guys got farmed by Duo too

Oh Thanks I appreciate it!
Yeah Franchi I guess.
everyones off topic, check out the video tho!

getting close to 700 views!
Recording myself would be pretty damn boring seeing as how I'm not some twitchy hyperactive mongoloid. No one wants to watch you dance around over a video of you doing boring pve bull shit it's as simple as that. I won't even touch upon you being ugly thing because i'd rather not have a suicide on my hands.

p.s. stop wearing wife beaters you don't even lift.
I'm ugly so I would never video tape myself, sorry but you will never know what I look like.

Sounds like a good plan for you. As for me I'll keep live streaming and enjoying myself. Btw if you actually believe your words have the power to influence anyone else but yourself into suicide, then you my naive friend are sorely mistaken. Take your jealousy and save it for your lover or your keyboard cause you must think yourself quite a creative typer.
Besides the ignorance displayed by this person! Thank you all for watching we have just hit 650 views and Growing keep enjoying the videos liking and subscribing to my youtube.

All comments are also appreciated and I actually read them.

Have a wonderful Day!
Good god if I ever have a son and he turns out ANYTHING like you I won't even think twice about beating him.
"Don't worry about the past or it will mess up your future. " not bad...
"You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future" is better.

Getting that level 10 raid ready. Maybe we can get full 40 man!!
I'm not advocating getting down on your knees and praising the guy. I'm simply confused as to why hes getting hated for doing something cool. Sure it wasn't world first and sure he copy and pasted a description but so what, he did something other than get on the forums and flame other people for being "bad" and he isn't spreading hate like so many others. Good on you Duo.

What you fail to understand is the majority of the the people that post here get frustrated very very easily. Duopaladin's attitude frustrates them even more because he just deflects their personal attacks. It makes them feel even more helpless.
It is quite amusing. A subject worthy of lengthy study.
why cant you be first lvl 10 and him first lvl 29 because let's face it both kills were not WORLD FIRST. Back when the lvl 10 did it you probably couldn't do this at lvl 29 because of how low lvls worked with secondary stats and enchants did not descale, now a days you probably couldn't do this at lvl 10 because of those same reason The copy paste the was a little uncalled for and there should be some discontent over that. Other then that you made similar videos both from different times periods in the game.

Also next Video please please make it so your dancing is on the main screen and put what ever it is you're doing in the left hand corner it would be way more entertaining.

Because 29's defeated the Fel Reaver long long ago. Both with and without hit.
It may be better to say " Twinkinfo first 29 kill without hit". And TI really only has a few hundred active users.
But unless he knows about the Asians, and all of the other level 29's that do not visit this one small website. Then he cannot claim " World's First".
Good god if I ever have a son and he turns out ANYTHING like you I won't even think twice about beating him.

You, with children that seems like a far fetched thought. Hate to see how self loathing and narcissistic they would end up. I'm sure with your can do attitude they will end up being fully functioning members of society.

"Don't worry about the past or it will mess up your future. " not bad...
"You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future" is better.

Getting that level 10 raid ready. Maybe we can get full 40 man!!

Guessing you have already attempted 20-30 man raids and failed. This may be a fight for the ages if you manage to conjure up 40 people to kill 1 boss. What ever it takes tho! Do it!

What you fail to understand is the majority of the the people that post here get frustrated very very easily. Duopaladin's attitude frustrates them even more because he just deflects their personal attacks. It makes them feel even more helpless.
It is quite amusing. A subject worthy of lengthy study.

Yeah I guess the jokes on them, because the act of "infuriating" is my last name. You don't get it. why would such comments directed at me from such ignorant mouths ever phase my existence. Why even try to reason with the cowards of the internet with words of hate directed back towards them. There is no point because they are obviously victims of the hate they push outwards and that is a subject of a lengthy study. You have pages upon pages of victim less crimes to directed to this persona I have re-imagined into the world.
You all a bunch of cowards. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fingers and say,"That's a bad guy" What does that make you? good? You're not good.
You just know how to hide,
how to lie.
Me, I don't have that problem.
Me, I always tell the truth.
Even when I lie.

Gratz Duo, though I've know 10's had done it yrs b4 and I've seen the fel kited back in the day to shattrath, still a good job man!

Much appreciated brother, wish you could of been there to help me out on the tanking what a struggle.

We have hit 700 views and now we are going for 800 lets GO

GOOD job everyone!
Guessing you have already attempted 20-30 man raids and failed. This may be a fight for the ages if you manage to conjure up 40 people to kill 1 boss. What ever it takes tho! Do it.

Already have done it. Told you pages ago(50 or so posts). I did it Wrath with level 10-19 Hunters. Two raids and zero heals.
Some of us are not knocking what you did. Just don't go around claiming " world's first " when it was done half a decade ago.
There is nothing wrong with going out and doing some PvE. I wish we had more opportunities for it. But we do not at this level. And very little interest.

Already have done it. Told you pages ago(50 or so posts). I did it Wrath with level 10-19 Hunters. Two raids and zero heals.
Some of us are not knocking what you did. Just don't go around claiming " world's first " when it was done half a decade ago.
There is nothing wrong with going out and doing some PvE. I wish we had more opportunities for it. But we do not at this level. And very little interest.


Like I said this expansion. You did it before same way, someone was a past president and if they were president now it would be completely different.
I mean't you guys tried it already with less than 40 people. Now if you haven't im trying to figure out why you guys would automatically try with 40 level 10s instead of 20-30 of them first.
You should learn to write english. :D maybe you can spell *you're* correctly. Sorry tho I don't feel bad.
Thanks for your concern tho.

You corrected a misplaced apostrophe in "you're", yet you couldn't be bothered to spell out the word "though", or put a comma in, "Sorry though, I don't feel bad.". At least you got the apostrophe in "don't". In your own post, you just discredited yourself on anything grammar related at all :D
You corrected a misplaced apostrophe in "you're", yet you couldn't be bothered to spell out the word "though", or put a comma in, "Sorry though, I don't feel bad.". At least you got the apostrophe in "don't". In your own post, you just discredited yourself on anything grammar related at all :D

Why would I spell tho correctly. Everyone knows how it is spelled and its not missing an apostrophe.
The point of the correction was that his comment wasn't well thought out and that he was talking out his ass :D
But thanks for the lesson in Grammar 101. Next time i'll call you to peer edit my work beforehand.

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