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Do you have any question at all about F2P twinking?
⇛ Questions & Answers
Ask anything, someone will probably answer.
If you're looking for a thread on TI and know some keywords to use in a search:
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THREAD INDEX - Click links to go to that post
0. This post!
Contains the above, this index and an introduction to the thread.
1. Getting started
1.1 Introduction to F2P
1.2 Short Intro to Veterans and 29s
1.3 US or EU?
2. Connecting with People
2.1 F2PAddon
2.2 Voice Communication
2.3 F2P Server Communities
2.4 Merged Servers / CRZ
3. F2P and Veteran Activities
3.1 Wargame Arenas
3.2 Skirmishes
3.3 Wargame Battlegrounds
3.4 Videos and Impressions
4. Class and PvP Guides
5. Very useful Guides and Threads
5.1 Creating and gearing a new toon
5.2 Maintaining a character
5.3 Twink Vanity
5.4 The Darkmoon Faire
5.5 Best-in-Slot Armory References
6. How to use the Twinkinfo Site Search
7. Thanks!
Stuck around?
Free-to-Play WoW in the form of unlimited Starter Accounts has been around for quite a while now.
Over time a lot of people have compiled some tremendously useful information about F2P twinking with and without P2P help.
More recently discussions on Veteran twinking have joined the forum section and over time some of us wanted the information separated and our own forum back. We didn't get this, but we have our own little corner here. Since most threads relevant for F2P are probably going to be kept in the 20 twinking subforum, I'll try to make this index much better than the other one, so everyone can find most things relevant to the unique choice of playing F2P or F2P restricted in here!
Feel free to have a look at this post (and the next few), in which I will try to index the available information in an easily readable way and add some of my own.
I hope you have fun and will find what you are looking for here!
Good luck!
On the terminology I'm using:
There are three types of accounts playing at level 20 in the 20-29 bracket. On reaching level 20 F2Ps automatically play in the 20-29 XP-OFF bracket. Here's the
Want me to add or edit something? Please send me a PM so I get email notification. This thread is a continuous Work-in-Progress and I don't want to miss your suggestion!
Since I'm currently away from WoW and not on Twinkinfo regularly, you might have to wait on a response.
While reading threads pay attention to the date they were created or last updated! Keep in mind that unlimited Starter Accounts arrived with Cataclysm and the Mists of Pandaria (MoP) and Warlords of Draenor (WoD) expansions or even just the latest patch might have changed things quite a bit.
You're in a hurry and don't have the time to look / can't find the answer for you in here?
Do you have any question at all about F2P twinking?
⇛ Questions & Answers
Ask anything, someone will probably answer.
If you're looking for a thread on TI and know some keywords to use in a search:
⇛ Site Search
THREAD INDEX - Click links to go to that post
0. This post!
1. Getting started
1.1 Introduction to F2P
1.2 Short Intro to Veterans and 29s
1.3 US or EU?
2. Connecting with People
2.1 F2PAddon
2.2 Voice Communication
2.3 F2P Server Communities
2.4 Merged Servers / CRZ
3. F2P and Veteran Activities
3.1 Wargame Arenas
3.2 Skirmishes
3.3 Wargame Battlegrounds
3.4 Videos and Impressions
4. Class and PvP Guides
5. Very useful Guides and Threads
5.1 Creating and gearing a new toon
5.2 Maintaining a character
5.3 Twink Vanity
5.4 The Darkmoon Faire
5.5 Best-in-Slot Armory References
6. How to use the Twinkinfo Site Search
7. Thanks!
Stuck around?
Free-to-Play WoW in the form of unlimited Starter Accounts has been around for quite a while now.
Over time a lot of people have compiled some tremendously useful information about F2P twinking with and without P2P help.
More recently discussions on Veteran twinking have joined the forum section and over time some of us wanted the information separated and our own forum back. We didn't get this, but we have our own little corner here. Since most threads relevant for F2P are probably going to be kept in the 20 twinking subforum, I'll try to make this index much better than the other one, so everyone can find most things relevant to the unique choice of playing F2P or F2P restricted in here!
Feel free to have a look at this post (and the next few), in which I will try to index the available information in an easily readable way and add some of my own.
I hope you have fun and will find what you are looking for here!
Good luck!
On the terminology I'm using:
There are three types of accounts playing at level 20 in the 20-29 bracket. On reaching level 20 F2Ps automatically play in the 20-29 XP-OFF bracket. Here's the
F2P | Starter Accounts that have never subscribed. There is a set of restrictions for these accounts (more on this later). The accounts may be unlinked or linked to other accounts, sharing for example Mounts with an active or lapsed Subscriber Account. |
Vet | Subscriber Accounts with a lapsed subscription that have reverted to Starter Accounts. They give the player access to characters up to level 20. Veteran players can use most things obtained while subscribed (e.g. the same enchants as 29s, guild membership and guild heirlooms). They deal with similar restrictions to F2P (more on these later). Vets may still choose to follow F2P restrictions, e.g. for Wargames. |
Sub | Active Subscriber Accounts have access to all WoW content, can turn off XP at all levels within the bracket and can use glyphs at the upper end of the bracket. Some of these players follow F2P restrictions, this playstyle choice has been around since Cataclysm. |
Want me to add or edit something? Please send me a PM so I get email notification. This thread is a continuous Work-in-Progress and I don't want to miss your suggestion!
While reading threads pay attention to the date they were created or last updated! Keep in mind that unlimited Starter Accounts arrived with Cataclysm and the Mists of Pandaria (MoP) and Warlords of Draenor (WoD) expansions or even just the latest patch might have changed things quite a bit.
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