Please help a newbie pick a bracket.


I have been playing a lot of WoW back in the days, but ever since Lich King I have not.

I was always fan (and maker of) twinks. Enjoyed roleplaying the low level dungeons as much as low level PvP.

So, Now I want to concentrate on F2P twink.

Planning to make a warrior and my question is :
1. Should I ask a friend to provide me with 10g to lock my level to 19 (and lvl 15-16 dungeon items mostly) and play on that bracket
2. or go 20, get the level 20 items from BFD and Stockades and face level 29s with heirlooms and enchants and stuff.

That brings me to the question. I have not played WoW in awhile.
So, It says the bracket is 20-24, but I saw level 29s all around the BG with my lvl 20 druid. Are they with reduced (base)stats or their items (non-heirlooms) are nerfed as well ?

Also for the lvl 20 druid my que was 18 min around 6PM central EU time.
Is the lvl 19 better or worse ? Because of the fact that there are lots of F2P that are most likely in 20-24 (or 20-29) bracket.

Thanks in advance!
I just found out that any trade with f2p is forbidden now, so If I want to stay 19 I will have to grind my way to 10g with BG and gray mobs.

So is it worth it ? Or going 20 f2p war is just as viable and can be competitive against 29 ?
Depends what sort of gear your warrior has, if any of it is unobtainable I would suggest keeping it 19 as in most cases the 20 gear you get may be better than it and the item would be wasted. Its very easy to level a new charactor to lvl 20 at the moment and will only take a few hours (even faster if you have any heirlooms).

As for 20-29 BGS all players within the BG gear will now scale to the same amount, the only difference between 20 and 29 is a few spells and some gear, but other differences will include them having enchants compared to you with a F2P account.

To reduce your ques times you can un check AV and Isle of conquest.
However most people like myself que specific battlegrounds as this is the most effective way of getting into a bg fast.
For example que for your two favorites, WSG / AB / EoTs.

Hope this Helped and welcome back.
You wont lock xp on a f2p 19 trust me
Thank you!

The gear - No heirlooms now, but planning to get the ones with honor some day. Helmet first.

And believe or not I managed to prof/gray mob farm my way to 10g as f2p and managed to lock on 19. (100xp to lvl up).

So my plan is to get all the lvl 15-16 gear the 4 dungeons provide, as long as some of the quest gear first,
do some (self) enchanting and head to the BG to gain some honor for heirlooms.

I would like to go arena 2v2 at some point, but I do not see how with f2p party restriction.

One more question : The respec. Is it capped at 10g or I have limited times to switch before it becomes 10g 0s 1c and as f2p I would not be able to respec again ?

EDIT : For some reason I can not queue for BG now ?

I have no problem queue with my 20 druid though ... Locking the XP broke it ?
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I would highly recommend avoiding the 20-29 bracket at all costs. As a fellow alliance player I can say you will get grouped with people who have no idea what is going on and if you do they will most likely glitch the flag. However you could always go horde and wait 20+ minutes for a que.
19s is in a higher quality bracket at the moment than any twink bracket ever hands down.
I locked at 19 as f2p and now it does not let me que for BG. or it is something else ?
you wont play xp-lock bgs on a f2p 19
even if, you wouldnt enjoy them
you cant buy loom helmet with honor
if you want to play on a starter edition f2p is your only choice
At least I did not grind too much for the 8.5 to 10g.

afaik I have up to TBC, but yeah, f2p.

So my only option is lvl 20 vs 29, steamrolled by heiloomed enchanted twink groups ?

or there is some other way. Because if I need to pay I guess I would not have lvl 19 twink as a main and that was not really my view of casual wow BG experience.
You should go 20 p2p then to vet, you can join Aerie Peak as well, we are highly populated and welcome all new members.
TBH, gold is easier to make as you get to the higher levels. I say, take a toon to the max level for your expansion (on the realm as you twink), and make it your farming toon. Certain classes are better than others at farming instances and whatnot, but any high level character will be able to make more money than your twink will. This character will be the "sugardaddy" for your twink.

Use the money you make from questing and farming stuff to pay for things for you twink. It can take some initial investment, but twinking is expensive, and you will need a good amount of income to get going.

Other people might have some good ideas on how to make money at certain max character levels. I personally just use what my garrison (available with Worlds of Draenor expansion).

As far as brackets go, I personally left the 20-29 bracket in favor of 19s. If you don't take competitive gameplay seriously, 29s could be a good choice. 19s is more competitive, yet might have a steeper learning curve for a new player.
Thank you everyone for your time, but the whole idea behind playing a casual twink and slowly gearing up was the casual part. If I have to buy WoD and spend more time farming the gold and heirlooms it kind of beats the purpose.
I am just at point in my life I can not play more than 60-90 min a day and I wanted to use that to queue for some low level dungeons / 19 BG and hopefully play 3-4 BG or if queue is bad - at least 2.

Having a 100 character and sub brings me back to the old days and It may eat my game time as there is much for me to explore (last I played was Lich King) and twinking will be on the back burner. I just do not want that.
I believe as a "starter" you get access up Mists of Pandaria. If you pay a one time fee of $5-$10, whatever the special is at the time you can gain access to the full game for a short period. From there on out if you choose not to pay you will be capped at level 20 and be hitherto known as a Veteran account. You will not be able to play in any other bracket besides the 20-29 unless you fully subscribe.
Almost all heirlooms are bought with gold now. There are a few bought with honor and with various other means. Some require guild rep as well. Some require certain achievements and some even require you to have level 100s. WoWhead has an extensive guide on heirlooms.
We(the community on twinkinfo) have a system in place to help new twinks out. In the 10-19 section it is called GG Nineteens and one in the level twenty section. The one in the level twenty section is just getting started.

Good luck!!

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