WTS Random collection (Incl unobtainable old school Shirts)


Hello all, recently noticed I have a large random collection of twink/Unobtainable gear on Mannoroth Horde US. May be willing to xfer depending on what you're buying, how much, what server etc. As far as prices go, offer and we can work from there. (Yes, I realize some of this gear isn't that big a deal, but I figured I'd just put it all here).

Haunted Memento
Watchman Pauldrons x2
Forest Tracker Epaulets
Beguiler Robes
Troll's Bane Leggings x2
Tree Bark Jacket
Silver-Lined Belt x2
Harbringer Boots
Acolyte's Shirt
Deckhand's Shirt
Thug Shirt
Trapper's Shirt
Recruit's Shirt
Resilient + Mystic's Robe
Deadmines Cleaver x2
Redbeard Crest x3 (2 with 18stamina)
Shield of Thorsen x2
Nightwatch Shortsword
Searing Blade
Antipodean Rod
Razor's Edge x2
Zealot Blade
Elder's Hat of Stamina/Eagle
Pathfinder's Hat of Eagle
Amulet of Truesight
Pendant of the Agate Shield
Amulet of the Moon
Also have iron grenade x100
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Bumperooney. Get your Thug Shirt on. Also have shirts on Kel'Thuzad and Skywall.

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