Rate My 19 Mistweaver Monk.

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looks good 7/10
id use haste trinket instead of the intellect one, maybe use mace + offhand with heartsong or a haste proc enchant. Otherwise pretty solid 7/10
Could be in stamina or intellect set!

Moistmists @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft :)

Missing Second Signet for stam set but i prefer the lorekeepers to help mitigate mana loss when im wearing my 11 SP weapon!

MW is probably the most mana consuming healer in the bracket
If I were you I would use heartsong, it's almost always up (30 spirit for 15 seconds on 20 sec internal CD)
I would use the haste loom mace + off hand because you can enchant the off hand with 5 intellect which makes it better
I would use peerless stats, its 2 int 2 stam 2 spirit vs 3 stamina, not worth the int and spirit loss for 1 extra stamina
I would use 5 stamina wrist enchant just because you need a substantial amount of health as a healer if you want to actually heal
Your shoulders are 3 stamina 2 resilience, I would prefer 3 int 1 crit shoulder enchant but I guess that would be personal preference
X2 what Yapah stated almost exactly. You have way way too much haste. So much that you are gimping your toon. On my MW, I have even been experimenting with one of my rings having versatility on it.
I personally prefer a nice balance set on my healers.

What Yapah said. And ignore what Allybeboba said, you dont have too much haste. You could also think about changing the int trinket to haste one.
I would also swap +11 sp and heartsong situational. There will be games where you need more spirit and games where you want to have more sp.
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Yeah! Another fan, I am truly flattered! /blush
104% is too much haste. As once you get your cast time below 1 sec any haste is wasted. More so on a MW. His healer would be better off with a bit more health, spellpower and "oomph". And the suggestions of peerless, one handed/off-hand, Stam/SP to bracers would achieve this result. Naturally, that is my only my opinion and the OP asked for opinions for his character.

Yeah! Another fan, I am truly flattered! /blush
104% is too much haste. As once you get your cast time below 1 sec any haste is wasted. More so on a MW. His healer would be better off with a bit more health, spellpower and "oomph". And the suggestions of peerless, one handed/off-hand, Stam/SP to bracers would achieve this result. Naturally, that is my only my opinion and the OP asked for opinions for his character.


What game are you playing that you think getting 104% haste on a 19 toon is possible? :rolleyes:
Stop spreading missinformation and start using your brain.
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Please stop derailing threads.
Have a nice day!


I cant open your image but if it is what I think it is then I dont know what to say lol.
The only one derailling this thread is you because you are absolute clueless about the bracket
Ok got to see it now. I have no words for you my friend. Everyone can see the 104% in the armory, and everyone in this bracket knows that this is a armory bug.
You could know that if you start using your brain.
Once again. Stop spreading missinformation. You are embarassing yourself in every thread you post in.

Edit: I cant believe that a mature guy can be that special

Back on topic again after Allybeboba is derailling it once again:
OP please ignore Allybebobas advice. Your haste is just fine and could, as mentioned, get even more pimped.
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Ok so now that the derailing of Allybeboba finally (and hopefully) stopped I have another suggestion.
You might want to try Sandals of Sacrifice in heal heavy games. They give a nice spirit boost!
I am not sure where you see that I derailed. Please quote an entire post where I derailed and I can post two of you all's.
Yes, I do know it is a bug. It is a well known bug. Do you know what causes this particular bug? I can explain it to you if you like.

As for shoulder enchants you can try charged. Lodestone if you have the rep, although I would not recommend it. Many people choose greater Crane Wing. They are very easy to obtain and offer spellpower and crit which are both very important for MW. I choose the Gladiator one for my heals becuase I prefer to run stamina heavy on healers.
A quick note on haste. The way haste works now, is that it operates on a bell curve. Once you get to a certain point it ceases to benifit you as much. You need to find the apex of that curve. Work your gear and enchants around that curve. Gearing is half of the fun with twink!

I am not sure where you see that I derailed. Please quote an entire post where I derailed and I can post two of you all's.
Yes, I do know it is a bug. It is a well known bug. Do you know what causes this particular bug? I can explain it to you if you like.

As for shoulder enchants you can try charged. Lodestone if you have the rep, although I would not recommend it. Many people choose greater Crane Wing. They are very easy to obtain and offer spellpower and crit which are both very important for MW. I choose the Gladiator one for my heals becuase I prefer to run stamina heavy on healers.
A quick note on haste. The way haste works now, is that it operates on a bell curve. Once you get to a certain point it ceases to benifit you as much. You need to find the apex of that curve. Work your gear and enchants around that curve. Gearing is half of the fun with twink!


"I do know it's a bug"... "BAM *links imgur and thinks he showed us all*" You speaking and give false information derails basically every thread you post on, I can see you're a slightly "dim" lightbulb but i'm sure even you can see how you derail threads. As Jva said dude, ignore Allybeboba if you want to receive good advice :)

Ofc you know its a bug thats why you stated that with 104% he got too much haste. Even posting a screenshot to proof he has so much haste :rolleyes::
104% is too much haste. As once you get your cast time below 1 sec any haste is wasted. More so on a MW. His healer would be better off with a bit more health, spellpower and "oomph". And the suggestions of peerless, one handed/off-hand, Stam/SP to bracers would achieve this result. Naturally, that is my only my opinion and the OP asked for opinions for his character.

And you derailed the thread with your constant missinformations and the defending of those missinformations. We didnt derail it, we just tried to inform the OP that he should not follow your advice.
@OP you could go for the haste trinket since you dont have too much haste :)
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alrighty here we go.

1st change from your current weapon to a mh, oh combo . (better stats over all)
enchants are prefrance but I like to rotate between hurricane warsong and heartsong and shadowmoon on my mistweaver.

as far as trinkets go with int trinket vs haste trinket.
-haste reduces ur gcd until you get it down to 1 sec (50% haste)
basically you will get higher healing over all from using an int trinket but the haste trinket will help u to build your chi faster to get you more enveloping mists.
just go by feel . If you find yourself short on chi while healing mid go with the haste trinket. if you find yourself with plenty of chi then use the int trinket.

just my .02 $
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