Southshore World PvP Event # 2

logged on :) ready to go whenever

lets start this early! log on!
I ran late but had a Blast. Thanks to Cer for organizing Horde and Arcade for starting the event. It was fun. GG to Ally.

anyone have links to video or stream?
Hey guys, first of all thanks to all of you who came out to support this, it is great for the community!

I had a blast organizing this with [MENTION=11993]arcade99[/MENTION], [MENTION=22645]Lluyd[/MENTION], [MENTION=3336]Mrcer[/MENTION], and trialmop(not on TI)

I wanna point out that this was the first time a big wpvp event has ever been done in a long time and a lot of you guys did not know what to expect and how to execute out the event, nevertheless we pulled through and got 6 games in --not all of them went as accordingly but they did happen :D.

We are planning something similar if not something the same for a month from now, and learning from our mistakes this time i hope all together we can make them even more fun for everyone.

GG's and Well-played, it would seem we tied 3-3 but its hard to say much since a lot of factors affected straight up win/lose games.

Thanks again and here are the screenshots for the alliance side!!!

Ally Album!

Click this link above , idk why it added thumbnails, dont click the attachments xD


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I encourage next event everyone make sure to have an Ally toon and Horde toon to fill in spots easier , I know a lot of people may have wore their Regular Bg gear may have understood the gear doesn't scales World pvp gear is needed instead.

Is there anyway a AV war-game is doable ( Minium AV war-game 10 vs 10) so our Hp is higher and gear scaling also no P2p Enchants again, Also we just fight in the middle and don't cap each other graveyards or Kill Bal or Galv for faster rezzing so basically, first 1 to 500 kills wins? Plus instant ques is a plus and can have someone do add on with spectator mode add-on with stream?

Just a thought for a future event.
This was my first world PvP event with the f2p community. I had a real blast being a part of it, and I hope that the f2p community continues to organize things like this in the future.

Although there was a few interruptions, mostly by random lvl 100s swooping in and attacking both sides. In the end I feel that it turned out quite successful.

Thank you Cer, Lluyd, Swifttaco, and Rapido for organizing this event.

:) yew guis r awsum

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