Bis combat rogue!:)


Howdy Guys, Now that queues are popping I want to get my 29(lvled up from 24's) in order. He is a Combat Rogue as mentioned and would love some bis rogue builds to work off! cheers for any help!
Nice rogue you've got out there!! When i saw your weapons i was like what the hell is this guy doing... then i saw its effect. Really nice idea&job.

Question : Whats the proc on the "effect" ?

Ty, sir. It procs fairly often and scales to 106 armor reduction which adds around 20% physical damage. Blade flurry, a few heals.. party time.
I hope u swap weps when your targets armor is reduced?

I'm thinking the 2.8 sec, bandit loom and outlaw sabre are the best weapons I own to switch out to but I've only given the build about 2 days worth of testing so far. Any suggestions as to what chants for secondary weapons?
I'm thinking the 2.8 sec, bandit loom and outlaw sabre are the best weapons I own to switch out to but I've only given the build about 2 days worth of testing so far. Any suggestions as to what chants for secondary weapons?

elemental force, easy choice ^^

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