Overgeared (1-1 Bracket)


Hello everyone. I'm new to twinking (just started this January!) and even newer to these forums. I've lurked around here for some time to see how other people made things work, but have tried to push my twink to the next level (well, not really, but you know what I mean). I've been playing this toon for a little over a week now, but played around with a level 1 orc rogue before deciding to reroll for the goblins' rocket boots racial.
I am currently only twinking a level 1 rogue, but plan on twinking other classes at level 1, as well as a F2P twink and a F2P twink-killer (29).
I'm not really good at introductions so I'll just drop this character spread sheet I made for you all to analyze and whatnot.
In the top picture of the toon I am wearing Haliscan Pantaloons. I wear these outside of combat, because I think they look better with the set than Stained Shadowcraft Pants. I have two identical Sharpened Scarlet Kris that I often dual wield, although only one is shown in the picture. the character stats in the image are completely unbuffed, with Sharpened Scarlet Kris and Furbolg Medicine Pouch equipped.
Consumables I use (for combat benefit):
Scroll of Agility
Scroll of Stamina
Spiced Wolf Meat
Rough Sharpening Stone
Rough Weightstone
Mageweave Bandage
Minor Healing Potion
Discombobulator Ray
Goblin Glider Kit
Things I am aware of/working on getting:
Thrall's Gift
AGM x2 (Currently 2/24 Arena Masters. Anyone interested in helping me pick the rest up, let me know!)
Dread Pirate Ring
+3 Haste for neck
+1 Armor for legs
Things I am not aware of/missing:
Let me know!


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Thanks Flaxy. I saw you on your druid at Gurubashi last night while I was phasing through some realms. Hope you had some luck.

I'm up to 5 arena masters now, hoping to get more today!

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