Alliance players on EU.


I've gotten my main, all my alts and I simply prefer the Alliance, over the Horde.
So where do all the alliance players on EU come from?

I'm looking for an "Aggramar-Like", Alliance server here on EU. My conclussion for now is that; Twisting Nether & Magtheridon are the Alliance server.
I've gotten the conclussion by asking randoms in chat, on different realms and levels and by searching the web.
Could be false information... I need clarification :')
Some legit person, with insight on the bracket, please. Tell me where to play.
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Your conclusion is correct. The biggest alliance servers in Europe are Twisting Nether and Magtheridon. I also believe that some of the aggramar players have alts on Spinebreaker, but I rarely see anyone playing there nowadays.
Yh that's where lolliance players usually are grown... U know... Just like a WWF reservoir...
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Haha, I can see that TN & Magtheridon are, for sure, the most popular.
So... Final question.

Magtheridon vs. Twisting Nether?
Idc how skilled people are, I'm just looking for the most active server, of the two.
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I would vouch for twisting nether since ive played there and have extremely nice and good players.
Aggramar is full of. We should say ' tryhards ' though not all of them, but they're logic is, lose as a 29 : no skill win as a 29 : no skill. magtherdion or however it's spelt away has people online though im not familiar with them

Twisting Nether - alliance
Magtherdion - Alliance
? - horde.
but they're logic is, lose as a 29 : no skill win as a 29 : no skill.

People who tend to premade against pugs are not the once who care about any matter of skill. their logic is: "lets q up together because im too good to go in solo". if you think aggramar dont q up with 29s then lol..

To answer the op kind sr:
If you wanna "aggramar like" realm go Spinbreaker as they are full aggramar reroll on ally side. poor zehj
If you looking for something in the middle go Twisting Nerher and play with few cool people as pole tricky myst
if you want least 29s (still quite a few) go Magtherdion and serve king Cripz

Dont really get why people tend to join popular realms, must be a herd mentality.
Thanks for all the replies people. Even though you're all trying to help, then I haven't really gotten anywhere...
I don't really "care" if people on TN are cool, bad or w/e.
I'm just looking for an active server. I'll be solo queue'ing or premading with my IRL friends for most of the time anyways. I'm just looking for a place to chat with people. Duel people. Or just see a few online at least, so I don't feel like Tiibi alone in the world.
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I'd recommend you to try Mag out then, as I think they have a good number of people online during the days. Nowadays TN isn't very active before 18.00.
People who tend to premade against pugs are not the once who care about any matter of skill. their logic is: "lets q up together because im too good to go in solo". if you think aggramar dont q up with 29s then lol..

You are always invited to set up a real wsg premade my friend :)

In addition, you obv. never experienced the social aspect of f2p, in which premading is a big part of it. Its just 10x more fun to play with friends you know, just my 2 cents.
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I was wrong, things have changed and Magtheridon has the biggest population of F2Ps EU, and many players from twisting nether play in magtheridon

Even though I have some geared toons in Twisting Nether, I think that we should make our new toons in magtheridon, in order to have a single big EU alliance server, as horde Aggramar

With the heirloom tab it will be easier to remake characters with no rares

I had to say it, cause the number difference is pretty big and they lack advertisement :eek:
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I decided to try Magtheridon, and I love it...!
10-15+ online all weekend, and peaks at around 20-25.
Great people and tons of premade groups for arena/bg/farming!
Can recommend the server for anyone!

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