Team Twinking


Had an idea, and I was curious whether anybody else had thought of this, or heard of it, or maybe wanted to try it out.

I was thinking it would be nice to have a roommate or partner that could grind shit during the times that I couldn't play, etc, to get twice the amount of work done on any given twink at a time.

So what if I hopped on craigslist or something and made an ad, looking for a partner to share a F2P account with and twink out a character as a team. Its a cool idea IMO, but of course a few problems rise up.

First, it has to be somebody you trust not to troll you and mess with the account, or do something destructive to your shared toon/toons.

Solution: This I don't really know how to solve other than to say that you should pair with somebody you know and trust, somebody you can call a friend.

Secondly, what happens when you want to play the twink, but the other person is playing it? Obviously its not going to be a clear division in terms of when you want to play and when you dont.

Solution: You make two twinks on two separate F2P accounts. If one person is busy on one, you play on the alt, and vice versa. Depending on your relationship you could schedule times to make sure that one or both of you gets a decent share of the time on their preferred toon. If you have more than two people who want to participate, say 3+, you just need to make one toon for each of you, so that theres always a shared toon available for somebody to play. It gets a little complicated, but thats up to the group to decide.

Anyway I think its a cool idea, it could also be a way to have a "guild" feel. I'm not super familiar with everybody in the scene but I would but stoked to start up a coven of shared alts with a couple of old-timers if people were so inclined.

Good to be back on the forums btw, I couldnt access the site for awhile and have been curious to see how you guys have broken WoD so far.
that sounds like an insanely cool idea, but i would never trust anyone with an account of mine, but if it was their account....

also i have a feeling that the account owner could just change information at anytime when he figured that the other people have twinked his toon out enough, so the owner could be using people to gear his twink for him, not saying your doing this you seem to be a stand up guy, just saying there are complications with this kind of thing
You make a new F2p account for each toon.

So in other words, the account wouldn't really be yours or theirs, each toon would be on its own "shared" account.

For sure one of you could just decide to change the password, but thats why you'd be doing this with a friend or somebody you've known in the twink community as opposed to some random.
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also i have a feeling that the account owner could just change information at anytime when he figured that the other people have twinked his toon out enough, so the owner could be using people to gear his twink for him, not saying your doing this you seem to be a stand up guy, just saying there are complications with this kind of thing

That could totally happen. You'd have to do it with friends, and most likely with people who already have a handful of Bis geared alts, and accounts, so theoretically there wouldnt be a lot of motivation to hijack control of the twink. Or if you had the dual free account setup I described above, if one person strongly wanted one of the twinks to become their own, maybe you could take the other, change passwords and call it a deal,

You're right obviously a lot of bad things could happen. You'd need to have the right people for this to work. I dont have any IRL friends who play but I imagine if I did, we could do something like this together.
Official Terms of Use Agreement
I. Accessing the Service

1. You may not share the Account with anyone, except that if you are a parent or guardian, you may permit one (1) minor child to use the Account when not in use by you. You are liable for all uses of the Account that has been enabled by you.
I. Accessing the Service

1. You may not share the Account with anyone, except that if you are a parent or guardian, you may permit one (1) minor child to use the Account when not in use by you. You are liable for all uses of the Account that has been enabled by you.

I'm not a lawyer, but I've watched a lot of Matlock reruns.

The plural of you is you. Just think of the implication:

Gather your team around a computer. If you all read it at the same time, then you all aren't allowed share it with anyone—besides one minor each—that didn't read it and agree to the ToS at the same time. Then you could collectively click the mouse together (you would have to all be in the same physical location for this to work, I think). Problem solved!
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Wasnt there an ip-check installed sometime around BC? I got this "something wrong with ur acc plx change password" quite often when moving btw flats.


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if u made 2 accounts so the times wouldnt be screwed, then 2 ppl would be lving and gear 2 chars, u would still be putting in the same effort as lving and gearing ur own char... This idea only really works if u find someone with odd hours compared to urs, like opposite.

Good point, but there would still be some times where you would be offline say for a day, and your partner would still get some grinding in while you were unable to play. I only play like 4 hours a day max since I have real life responsibilities. So for someone like me, if I had another person who plays 4 hours a day, usually theres going to be plenty of time for overlap. The 2nd character would hopefully not always need to be used, unless you're two people who sleep 8 hours and play for 16, or whatever.

However, maybe you feel like playing the "2nd" character of your own volition every now then - lord knows we all have enough alts, and sometimes want to switch to a different style of play or what have you. So hopefully you would end up using both (or multiple) accounts somewhat evenly, so that both characters slowly get pumped.
A bot is that second person

Nice call, I had always been afraid of getting banned but I suppose thats not much of an issue when I'm talking about creating independent accounts. Don't have the technical know-how of bots but I suppose it can't be too hard.

I still like the idea of being able to share ownership and usage of a twink with a friend, but maybe I'm just a weirdo.
You could do it as a 'project', like what I was saying about it potentially being able to be guild-like.

Remember 'Team Swag' that was around a year or two ago, a group like that could do something like this, I think it would be awesome.

Worst case scenario somebody turns heel and steals a handful of twinks but I feel like the ensuing drama would be worth it anyway.

And if you were friends and one of you got really attached to one of the twinks, you could just discuss the matter and maybe let the person assume sole ownership.

But in the end why would anybody really want to "steal the twink for themself", if sharing the account is actually letting grinding get done for you on an ongoing basis. I feel like there must be people out there who can act like adults and share.

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