PitterPatter rogue streaming 19s arena


Boots Thief

Will bump when I am streaming, generally going to be soloq games with some chill music. Come and watch if it strikes your fantzy.
Done streaming for tonight, had a lot of fun, hopefully more to come tomorrow!
Yeh Xibalba, I am Twinkesaurus, just live across the world from him, but yeh that's me :)...
Also was a victim of Twinkesaurus so was one of my best mates (Sneaky), yet somehow I am him apparently.
Everyone give me your account, before I take it.......
I am the only and only Twinkesaurus, somehow playing from across the world and all.
Watch out.
Yeh Xibalba, I am Twinkesaurus, just live across the world from him, but yeh that's me :)...
Also was a victim of Twinkesaurus so was one of my best mates (Sneaky), yet somehow I am him apparently.
Everyone give me your account, before I take it.......
I am the only and only Twinkesaurus, somehow playing from across the world and all.
Watch out.


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After some Private Inboxes, think he realises that I am not him. Not even close.
And also the Skype you inboxed me with saying not to trust me.
I have honest to god, never heard of that Skype or anything. Anyway my account was recovered last night after like 20 tickets.
scammer got it perm. banned, they finally overlooked it and unbanned it :)
Streaming again. DuoQ with ret pally.
Chill music+reading chat.
Come hang out.
streaming some duoQ with Galaxy the god of mongo ret pallies.

Come chill yo.
Pitter, add my battletag: Consolidate#1446
I keep vs'ing you, my rogue is "Incisive" but the way. :)
I recruited Galaxy over to my realm by the way haha, join us <3

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