Rogue Objectives and Tips


As far as I'm concerned, you're free to repurpose any of this. I will not update, as I no longer play.

Tech Support
CC = crowd control
LoS = line of sight
DR = diminishing returns
INC = incoming
DoT = damage over time
FC = flag carrier
GY = graveyard
CD = cooldown
UI = user interface

Peel = separate players via CC or distraction
Fake = purposefully cancel casts to bait & ideally avoid interrupts

prefix "e" = enemy
/bg = battleground chat
(b)rez = (body) ressurection
zerker = berserker
Evisc = Eviscerate
CP = combo points
regen = regeneration
cap = capture
agi = Agility
crit = Critical Strike

Hemo = Hemorrhage
Mut = Mutilate
Gear selection, ability overview, and other basics
...have been addressed by others elsewhere. agi>crit
Animation selection
-Deviate delights provide different mogs and human animations to every race.
-Faded Wizard Hat provides different mogs and every Horde animation to any Hordie.
-Burgy Blackheart's Hat provides a different mog and male Gnome animations to every race by using your headslot.
Spec & Talent selection
-Hemo interrupts a lot of CC and Mut uses an awful animation, so Revealing Strike --> 5pt Evisc <3
-Try each Talent! One might complement your playstyle or you might switch up to match your talent choice.
-You can brez around your corpse as long as your insignia remains.
-To increase your chances of avoiding detection, avoid oft-traveled paths.
-Play the terrain to fool players not using certain UI elements such as (awful) nameplates.

-Haste increases poison application & energy regen rates.
-Absorbs prevent DoT damage from breaking stealth >: )

-Envenom applies its buff even if you miss and even if your target dodges or parries.
-To avoid accidental autoattacks, create a stealth macro including /stopattack
Use zerker and boots
...particularly at the beginning of each match and whenever you're in the vicinity, unless the FC needs speed.

Use /bg {insert target priorities}
...unless someone else already has. These are fluid and readily communicable across languages: for instance, {healer's name > EFC's name}

-Your second & third Saps control you for nearly as long as your target, while your first takes about none of your time and eight seconds for them.
-After 15 seconds, Sap's reducing duration due to DR is reset - also applies to all other CC.
-Crippling is an opportunity to divide & conquer and increases the chances of your team's survival.

...replaces autoattack and does not apply poison.

Evade maximum effect by anticipating damage & snares. Some claim you can even evade spells if you believe! ;)

Recup & Slice
-Use one or the other (& wait for regen, if viable) before Ambushing - players wary of buff icons know when you use CP on buffs instead of damage so that they're temporarily safer.
-Maximum-health-increasing abilities increase subsequent Recup effectiveness.
-Anticipate damage and Recup beforehand to maximize effect.
-Food is cheap at most inns & you can stealth mid-consumption.

-Switch up or be faked!
-Some movement mid-cast may be accidental, and players may move instead of canceling a cast in order to feign an accident.
-If you purposefully die from lack of Kicking, your opposition may not fake a Kick later.
-KIcks from stealth are rarely faked unless you're detected.

...if feasible, with nearly full or full energy in order to maximize potential follow-up pressure.

The Gulch
Use /bg {insert (E)FC's direction/location & escort}
-Increase communication to increase returns! A pro once said you need not be the one to (scroll)click the flag in order to be the one to ensure its return.
-Usually, remain at or above the EFC's elevation to maximize preparedness.
The Basin
All players share these objectives:

pressure, including CC
peels AKA pressure alleviation
ensuring & denying base capture
/bg INC {insert area}
denying the opposition powerups (boots, zerker, restorative leaf chest)
/bg {insert target priorities}

-You can travel by ghost to rez at any friendly GY, even if your ghost did not spawn there.
-A tight triangular formation of bases such as ST, BS, and LM enables the quickest relocation of players to counter incoming opposition, though teams can earn a sufficient resource lead to emerge victorious with only one or two bases.
The Arenas
All players share these objectives:

Understand the possibilities for both comps and each arena.
Communicate, ideally vocally.
Cooperation is key!
Practice! We each began a newb.
Train the opposition by forcing CDs, chaining CC, and baiting.
Be aware & position accordingly.
-Use LoS.
-Sap companions (& wait for regen, if you feel safe from detection) before Ambushing.
-When out of range and/or LoS of the player, autoattack companions, but use energy only to avoid wasting your regen.
Eye of the Storm
open to contribution
The glorious Valley
open to contribution
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Re: Rehashed objective-oriented PuGulch as "The Rog"

nice guide, but still not inoobupro quality.

eLo I am your #1 FAN! AND I GOT PROOF

But man I am still #1 cripz fan
[27-10-2014 15:13:15] Deno: you can be whatever you want pal
[27-10-2014 15:13:18] Deno: i dont care, cripz is all yours
... but most of these are already explained in other guides.

Anyways, GL and hope you will add more stuff that aren't already present on this website about rogue gameplay.

Rogue in AV sounds like a killer meta. Highly anticipating EoTS goodies as well.

PS What is the difference between mut and combat dps when bis? I'm still rocking stocks daggers.
+1, I hate being the only competent rogue in most games.

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