WW Monks

Depends how you play the class.
This patch, even though some classes got insanely buffed and debuffed...all have a useage believe me.
If you play WW correctly, you'll be a god.
Example in Arena's if you find a good style and a good partner, you should go good.
It depends on situations, who you're with, your style and skill, etc.
Rollóut @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft

This is my monk just lacking arena grand master. When i get it, it will put me above 2.1k HP which is okay when running with another hybrid/healer.
However, if you are running double DPS i recommend dual Dal'rend's Sacred Charge with elemental force on each weapon. Also pick up some Blackened Defias Gloves or Bristlebark Gloves with a Glove Reinforcement (armor kit) on it, that should put you up at near 2.5k HP. Ample health to run double DPS with and run with Inherited Mark of Tyranny instead of a PvP trinket UNLESS facing a team with a paladin.
In case you need another armory to compare the info people are giving you, here is my WW monk.

Sponsors @ Eonar - Community - World of Warcraft

The gear that I am wearing is a Stam oriented survivability build. Gets me to 2033 health, 28.89% crit and 122 AP.
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pretty inaccurate as of 6.0, doesnt even look updated

Then why dont you give the link to your monk oh glorious Skeezin...

You complain about my monk but the one linked above me is just as "bad" and you dont say anything? How many times did I kill you in BGs to deserve this lol..

And if you would even care to read correctly:

In case you need another armory to compare the info people are giving you, here is my WW monk.

Did I say anywhere I was up to date?

If you have a problem with me, since this really seems like a personal attack, I would love to talk about it over PM.
Then why dont you give the link to your monk oh glorious Skeezin...

You complain about my monk but the one linked above me is just as "bad" and you dont say anything? How many times did I kill you in BGs to deserve this lol..
probably should have but bnet was down when i posted earlier, and no reason to be salty because i wasnt even trying to offend you

nowhere in my reply did i say your monk was bad, it just isnt updated and the other armory that was posted has no gear on at all so pretty hard to judge either way
Did I say anywhere I was up to date?
no, but posting an out of date armory when someone is looking for advice on gearing post patch 6.0 does nothing but point them in the wrong direction
If you have a problem with me, since this really seems like a personal attack, I would love to talk about it over PM.
shouldnt really have to as i have nothing against you but im sorry you feel this way
Not a single person is providing any concrete support for their claims there are just multiple people claiming "This is BiS" "no this is BiS" and really Best in Slot just doesn't cut it because there's a decent amount of gearing options for any class really and i think the only kind of BiS you'd be able to provide with certainty is one where you're using a suffix. I.E. BiS DPS; BiS Health; BiS Spirit; BiS Haste and what not, one gear set doesn't cover all that there is no ultimate Best in Slot. There is however 1 way to get maximum Damage per second (maybe not overall damage DONE which is a different matter) and there is likewise 1 way to get maximum of a number of other stats. As a rule of thumb according to some very rough spreadsheet calculations i did 3 secondary stats are better than 2 primary which in turn has some implications on what gear you sould go for. So ideally for a maximum DPS gear set (your total damage done might depend on your survivability which is why in some cases you maybe shouldn't sacrifice too much stamina to get a tiny DPS increase) you'd want the following items:

A few of the items in this list are examples of items where you're sacrificing a lot of survivability for a relatively small DPS gain but it's "BiS" for DPS anyways.

don't know much about 19s but at 29 i'm pretty sure those enchants aren't bis

Good thing this thread is in the 19 forum section and not 29

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