Portals at Shrines in Pandaria...


I've been looking around and haven't see this yet. With Pandaria open to F2Ps, it would make sense to set your hearth to the Shrines in VoEB due to all portals there (including the hard-to-reach Shattrath). Any word if Blizz is going to remove these when WoD releases?
I've been looking around and haven't see this yet. With Pandaria open to F2Ps, it would make sense to set your hearth to the Shrines in VoEB due to all portals there (including the hard-to-reach Shattrath). Any word if Blizz is going to remove these when WoD releases?
They usually get removed
He meant it as in later in the expansion,or when WoD gets released.

Portals usually get removed and all you get is Orgrimmar/Stormwind ones afaik.
They have only been removed entirely once before. And then portals were put back. It is always a good idea to have your toon's "home" set to the area with easy access to portals.

They have only been removed entirely once before. And then portals were put back.

indeed at woltk they removed those portals, because both factions were camping dalaran,
the zone was so small that at peek hours the zone became a lag fest (imagine a 40s lag, just to open your inbox),

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