anybody here on wod beta?

what are the numbers like at 70?

From a twink's point of view, it's going to be drastically different in some areas. I can't comment on the power of classes and specs relative to each other (relative to live), but here are the global changes that I can comment on:

1) Health is about 75% higher. This is a rough approximation from a level 70 priest with a maximum item level and live SP of about 1250 (~975 on beta)
2) Heals are monumentally weaker and now that base healing is gone, the heal power themselves is much lower and in line with maximum level.
Non-modified flash heal (live): 8,842 average
Non-modified flash heal (beta): 3,247 average
3) If you take into account that health is 75% higher (regular amounts of stam; no stam stacking) and heals are 36.7% of live (at this gear level, it's even bigger at lower gear levels), this means that heals are about 1/5 the effectiveness of live (~80% nerf).
4) Damage is nerfed somewhat, mostly by 150% spell crit cap.

Overall dps and healing is very small compared to live, when compared to PvE, though. If you enjoy that, be prepared for raids and dungeons to be harder. At break-neck twink level, they will still be easy due to your item level giving you an additional damage boost and damage taken reduction, but outdoor mobs, raid mobs, and dungeons mobs haven't been nerfed quite as hard as the average spec, so if PvE is your thing, you should enjoy a noticeable increase in difficulty.

With respect to percentage of your health?
- As a disc priest, your flash heal becomes 4058 on a (16,000*1.75) health pool, or about 15% of your health pool (non crit).

So there will definitely be some adjustments on healing playstyle, but damage is coming down at a similar rate so I think it, in theory, shouldn't affect play ability too badly.
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So fights will be more about the last 35% more than ever, as healing fully in one heal would be impossible and doing enough damage to bring someone down in one burst will be pretty much non-existant.

it appears WOD pre-patch 6.0 will roll prior to WOD release, not sure if squish is part of it?

i see some agility classes gain 10% base crit passive, but with agi no longer giving crit, will i have to add crit gems or enchants to really do any damage?
Your hit and expertise (or parts of it) will become crit though, don't think you'll have to change much.
So fights will be more about the last 35% more than ever, as healing fully in one heal would be impossible and doing enough damage to bring someone down in one burst will be pretty much non-existant.


There's a few spells that worry me, but that's mostly due to thinking along the lines of Live. Like devouring plague, for example. It crits for 6k (4.5k in pvp), but I need to keep in mind the standard twink will have 21-26k health.
There's a few spells that worry me, but that's mostly due to thinking along the lines of Live. Like devouring plague, for example. It crits for 6k (4.5k in pvp), but I need to keep in mind the standard twink will have 21-26k health.

health is HIGHER after squish? is it because base health is higher? i dont really like that tbh. not a big deal but i was happy about health being lowered.
health is HIGHER after squish? is it because base health is higher? i dont really like that tbh. not a big deal but i was happy about health being lowered.

No, no, base health is lower. So people who haven't twinked are even worse off now.

Stamina will start contributing more to health, which is why we (twinks) get higher health.
health is HIGHER after squish? is it because base health is higher? i dont really like that tbh. not a big deal but i was happy about health being lowered.

Base health is roughly the same, but all enemies deal twice as much damage as before. Stamina is also twice as valuable. Additionally, level 70 gear wasn't squished all that much, so total health is a bit higher. The curve goes below live somewhere during level 80 (i.e. at 60, hp is about double, 70 it's about 75% higher, 80 entry level it's about 25% higher, and somewhere around ilevel 250 it's identical to live).
At this point in time it's hard to honestly put a word on it accuratly. MoP has been known to often change/alter class abilities to reach some kind of standard for end-game... So odds are we will see a lot of vast differences between class advantages. "Mastery" has been the real stat on balanceing damage output for a lot of the specs end-game, so some specs need it to preform at highest potential. So basicaly i think it'll still feel the same, but there might be a shuffle on which dps spec will be up top compared to what we're currently seeing atm on live. They redid a lot of the abilities damage formulas to hone it for lv100, and this is what causes unbalance in any twink bracket. Without mastery, some specs will continue to be terrible :(

The biggest factor i see that everyone is excited for, is the changes to the crappy resil/pvp power mechanic! There using some other method and it will defiantly show different results.
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