This Sunday Night - Twink Cup Summary

This is going to be long but stick it out till the end because there's a special announcement.

First of all I would like to thank everyone on TI for proving the lower level community is still active and accessible to anyone that chooses to create a twink, this tournament was well organized and although there was some delay in between games, I am personally glad my team chose to participate in it, and none of us are truly unhappy with how it turned out. The 19 metagame has changed a lot over time, and yet it's interesting seeing names i recognize from several years ago, a few that come to mind are livingforce, pizza, etc.

Going into the tournament, none of us assumed we would win it easily. Our strategies involving quick capping have obviously been used in this bracket before to some extent, which is why the better teams we faced in the tournament quickly adapted. I would say we took about a weeks time to prepare for the tournament, not saying that we played a week of games (some of us played our first games at 19 in the tournament) but we did briefly discuss how we expected teams to try and counter us.

Day 1
On the first day of the tournament, the arena games were played. Our team got knocked out early in the tournament, partly because our healer was ddosed, but we did not enter for money, or to be higher seeded, rather we just thought it would be a fun experience. We sucked it up, labeled it as a disconnect, and moved on. Our matches on this day were against the team underground. To be completely honest, underground played very well, and demonstrated their expertise in teamfights, however they were not prepared against our strategies, and we pulled ahead quickly. I believe we had our best 10 for these games, so it's no surprise that with the momentum we had from all leveling for the tournament and then assembling the dream team in the last minute, the games were rather painless.

Day 2 -
Day two is where things started getting a bit sketchy. Our team minus bubbez showed up on time, and we went into our next matches against ATL knowing we wouldn't have our best 10. In addition, bigmoran informed us that this might be the hardest team we play in the tournament. This was also the first team to mirror our rogue/guardian comp. I have a lot of respect for the players on this team, because they tried to play just as offensive as us. The games were exciting, i believe we won this series simply because we are more accustomed to this pace of gameplay.

Once our series against this team finished, we were made to wait for a while as SR and ATW completed their series. Both teams played to tie almost every game, so eventually SR with the 1 win and higher seed advanced to play us. Now, going into our games against skill ratio, we knew that these guys were the big dogs of the bracket, and I could tell from watching the games as we waited that this team had an EXTREMELY defensive style of play. we waited through all their games, and even once the games were finished we waited even longer for them to set up proxies etc. At this point in the tournament, i believed this precaution completely unnecessary of them, everyone on my team is a fair player, and at endgame if anyone on teams we face disconnect, we sit a player out for them. I did not believe that ddos was a real problem at 19, but i know that people on my team had been trolling about it so we shrugged it off and gave them time to get ready. in this time i trash talked everyone in the horde queue room, resulting in 50 pages of hurt butts in another thread, as well as someone linking me (as i was streaming) the IP address of a player on my team, I cant stress how pathetic this is, as it forced me to delete the days entire vod. It was only once this happened that we saw why people were so hesitant to play without proxies, and that this bracket was less innocent than we had assumed.

Our first game vs skill ratio went rather well in my opinion. I don't think our comp was too bad even though we didn't have our best 10, we ended up losing due to a returned flag pass by Zeiren. the rest of the game was turtled out, and we all came to the realization that we were up against the bailamoses of the 19 bracket. These guys were in it to win it. In all our games against this team combined, I believe maybe 90% of fights were played on their half of the map, both due to our boredom at how defensive they played, and their cautious playstyle, as evidenced by the posts in another thread bragging about "never being capped on".

Going into our second game, we had all been twiddling our thumbs for a while, and we didn't lose our last game because of comp, so we decided not to make any changes. In our impatience, and due to some miscommunication between teammates, we went into this game with four healers and a guardian druid, and then our monk + rogue effectively limiting our burst damage down to one mage, hunter, and warlock. This game we had very little pressure, but SR still turtled against us. Apparently somewhere in the wait period the rules changed as well, and someone on our team told us that if we tied the game, we would lose the series. With two minutes to go and the score level at 0-0, we sent our entire team offense to try and score, but they made a wall on their roof and ended up sneaking people out to kill our fc as we tried to break through their 8 man defense. They won the series with this game, yet their style of play made the series rather bland compared to our more exciting games vs the hamgodx team. For the next hour, cytox and bubbez proceeded to yell at each other in skype, which i wish i was able to save a vod of, however i had to delete all this due to presidentswag saying someones ip on stream. A few of us were upset at the result, but we at least knew we would get more games in this way so no one was too unhappy. in the downtime before this series i had gone subtlety/tyranny as well, which turned out not to be too helpful vs a team that stayed so grouped up.

Day 3-
I changed my setup back to mutilate/ele force, as many people suggested, and the difference was noticeable. We waited as Above the Limit and Against the World fought out their series. We had played every team except ATW at this point, and we knew if we played above the limit they would probably ddos us into oblivion after getting humiliated the day before, so we rooted for ATW. Surely enough, ATW came through with the win, sending presidentswag back to his trailer park to race houses with his neighbors for food stamps. From watching the previous series, we didn't think ATW would stand much of a chance against us, but we were astounded when their momentum from the previous games carried over, and they took a win and a tie against us (we were up a cap at one point with 5 minutes left, but for want of an exciting finish, took a huge risk and went heavy offense, they took advantage of it). We somehow cleaned our act up, and beat them until we advanced into the final.

The rest of the story most of you know, we played a few games against skill ratio in which they turtled heavily, every time anyone on their team died they scurried back to their graveyard to return to formation. If this was the NBA they would have been disqualified from backcourt violations. Bored out of our skulls, everyone collectively decided that if the next game in the series was tied, the result of the series would be a tie. If they won the next game, it would be a win for them. If we won, we would have to win one more time to win the series. I was okay with this arrangement, because if you keep enough people back its impossible to kill a guardian druid and I knew that they would have no chance of winning if i made sure we didn't ever take a risk. If we won once, we could just play like them and force ties until we'd win the series from having the last W as according to the tournament rules. The final game was a tie (what a surprise) and the winnings were split.

So that's how the tournament went from our perspective. It could have been better, it could also definitely have been worse. So without any delay, this is my breakdown of the good and the bad-

The Good:
Because of the way the bracket was setup, we got to play every team at least once. We could tell that each team had a decent amount of synergy, and even the ones that had been seemingly thrown together put up a fight.
The bracket is very forgiving. With thirty second res timers, and having to walk back to the fight without a mount, dying in a teamfight isn't a huge detriment to your team so as i said, no game was a walk in the park.
Everyone in this community is passionate about keeping it active as evidenced by the quality of posts in the other thread.

The Bad:
We are the only team (to my knowledge) that actually streamed all our games. We had assumed that everyone would stream, because the goal of the tournament was to increase awareness of to bracket. I was told that this was due to ddos threats, but I'm not sure why streaming would change anything. Other teams being able to watch and see how we played helped them adapt to our playstyles, and I could rarely watch games between the other teams to further my own understanding of the bracket.
Turtling was out of hand, and if every tank spec in the tournament was banned this would be a different story. Or guardian druids at the least, casters can't catch them and melee don't hit them hard even with high stacks. I frankly don't enjoy sitting around waiting ten minutes for stacks in a big midfight that rarely had any effect on the outcome of the game, but it might be because I played rogue, which at 19 does a lot less than a 90 rogue. I was in stealth a good eighty percent of every game.
There were points where i feel the tournament was handled unprofessionally by certain teams. When we had a no show, or one of our players couldn't stay online, we got whoever we could and queued up, even if our comp was worse or we had to two heal for a few games. Other teams didn't follow the same mindset, obviously we would have demanded a replay against the arena team that ddosed us if we could have.
Our least exciting games were against the "best" team, who have already spent more time criticizing our play on this forum than they did targeting our flag carrier. They even complained about tying the tournament, when they played to tie in every game.
Cytox almost had a stroke, no one has seen Bubbez since sunday.

myrm for making this happen, i know it sounds like im complaining but its more constructive criticism, you did a fucking amazing job putting this together. props
pizza and everyone else who made teams to compete
tyler dylan luke nick etc. for convincing all of us to make 19s
that one shaman whos a goblin
the panda monk with crazy jumps
the guy who resubbed to stand in bear form
every monk tank, warrior tank, and pally tank that got lobbed from their roster so their team could copy ours
everyone i rbg with and everyone in this sunday night, we changed the game

And finally.....

Are you upset at how your team did in the last tournament? Frustrated at tank specs turning every game into a mind-melting waiting game?
This Sunday Night would like to invite all four other teams to compete in the second 19 TWINK WORLD CUP!
This time, you'll be taking your skills to the arathi basin to compete for my winnings in a round robin style, triple elimination bracket with every series best of 9.
Street rules apply, so get out your lag macros and shell booters!
If you want to compete, put your skypes in this thread and you'll be contacted shortly

follow the stream~
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holy crap that's a lot of text!

I just read the whole post, much respect from my end unseenz, btw fyi hamgodx = tapout I'm pretty sure you heard of him.

I will try to put another team together for the next round. Hopefully I can get a better team.

GG's to you guys, my team and I had a blast against you guys. Much respect!!!

I would stream but my aussie net is to bad to do so.

P.S: Listening to your team on your stream made my day x1000 laughing very hard! XD
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OI! AB tourny sounds interesting. We Qued for AB weekend awhile ago on 19s (cata i think?), and it was fun as hell. team behstviperbuns @ GM . If an alliance squad is looking to add a bis mistweaver for this competition, I will be available this time :D
I love these kind of things, thanks for your opinion and after all the drama being great sports. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the bgs. How bout we organise some AB pops and see how those go before jumping right into a tournament?
I speak on behalf of my whole guild when I say we had a blast competing against you guys in pugs and the Twink Cup. It was refreshing to play against players who I can humbly say are individually and collectively better than anyone I've ever played against at 19. Your presence alone helped give me the motivation needed to take my leadership to the next level, and as a result my team became stronger than it has ever been before. For that I thank you.

I have nothing but respect for you guys and hope you continue to play 19s moving forward.
i'd be down def. those AB games back in cata were fun and funny with the troll videos n such made from them and also some of the good ones

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