Looking for an IDDQD member i once knew


Heya. Today, during a nostalgy trip, i remembered an old friend that i used to play the 70 bracket with in WotLK. I kind of want to have a chat with him again, as we used to have a good time.
All i recal is this:

I played on The Maelstrom with him back in the early WotLK, when he moved to IDDQD
He played Mage and Rogue, both night elves.
He transfered his mage, then his rogue a bit later.
We had a common friend named Tørst, a DK, who back then was one of the best geared on the server (high gearscore and a shadowmourne)

Sorry for not being able to give you guys more information about this person. I hope some one might be able to recall what his char name is from the given information.

I was playing on my 70 rogue, which back then was named Blablablarou. Human male.
i'l ask Sash if he Remembers .

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