New thread- http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f121/echoes-past-70s-pve-us-pacific-62956/
We are now in level 80 content, a small group stayed for level 60 / 70 if you are still interested in raiding there.
Hey everyone, a small community of players recently banded together to create this guild, the idea is to clear every expansion again at the recommended level. ie Vanilla @ 60, BC @ 70, WotLk @ 80 etc. We have about 35 unique players currently. We are on ILLIDAN (US) - Horde for anyone finding this from a different site.
We think it's a fun way to spend time waiting on WoD, re-experience some nostalgia, and make some friends along the way, and since we are just starting, now is the best time to join. Lots of members are still leveling, and usually in groups to make the experience more enjoyable.
Raid times are currently in the air, as we still don't have a 'core' group to work around. We are doing our best to avoid main character raid times. Currently we are raiding @ 8 PM server on Wed, Fri, and Sun. . This is ofc, changeable.
Anyone with questions or any interest can reply here, or add me to battletag - Krasaar#1376 !
Current Roster at max level:
If you don't know what to play, this is our current class population
Warrior: 2
Warlock: 1
Shaman: 4
Rogue: 7
Priest: 5
Paladin: 6
Mage: 3
Hunter: 6
Druid: 5
Put every raid/expansion on farm before WoD.
Achieve HERALD OF THE TITANS (Feat of strength) when we reach 80.
Do any hard modes we can find (ICC @ level 70
, Ulduar hard modes, no buff icc @ 80 etc etc)
No DKs (until Lich King) nor Monks.
No using gear from future expansions (IE gemmed BC gear @ 60, level 80 MoP twink items @ 80 etc), no future gems / enchants DURING PROGRESSION - on your own free time in PvP etc, this is fine.
No PvP gear during progression (Old PvP sets are very cheap, and are typically near if not BiS items, we still want this to be a challenging, progressive enviroment, lots of class changes already make it easier than it was in the past)
No getting higher levels to run you through raids 1. You are going to want the lockout to raid with us 2. It defeats the whole purpose!
Current clears:
AQ10 - 6/6
MC - 10/10
BWL - 8/8
AQ40 - 9/9
Burning Crusade
Kara - 9/9
Gruuls - 2/2
Mag's - 1/1
SSC - 6/6
TK - 4/4
Mount Hyjal - 5/5
BT - 9/9
Sunwell - 8/8
Wrath of the Lich King
OS - 0/1
OS3D - 0/1
Naxx - 6/16
EOE - 0/1
Ulduar - 0/14
TOC - 0/5
ICC - 0/12
RS - 0/4
We are now in level 80 content, a small group stayed for level 60 / 70 if you are still interested in raiding there.
Hey everyone, a small community of players recently banded together to create this guild, the idea is to clear every expansion again at the recommended level. ie Vanilla @ 60, BC @ 70, WotLk @ 80 etc. We have about 35 unique players currently. We are on ILLIDAN (US) - Horde for anyone finding this from a different site.
We think it's a fun way to spend time waiting on WoD, re-experience some nostalgia, and make some friends along the way, and since we are just starting, now is the best time to join. Lots of members are still leveling, and usually in groups to make the experience more enjoyable.
Raid times are currently in the air, as we still don't have a 'core' group to work around. We are doing our best to avoid main character raid times. Currently we are raiding @ 8 PM server on Wed, Fri, and Sun. . This is ofc, changeable.
Anyone with questions or any interest can reply here, or add me to battletag - Krasaar#1376 !
Current Roster at max level:
If you don't know what to play, this is our current class population
Warrior: 2
Warlock: 1
Shaman: 4
Rogue: 7
Priest: 5
Paladin: 6
Mage: 3
Hunter: 6
Druid: 5
Put every raid/expansion on farm before WoD.
Achieve HERALD OF THE TITANS (Feat of strength) when we reach 80.
Do any hard modes we can find (ICC @ level 70
No DKs (until Lich King) nor Monks.
No using gear from future expansions (IE gemmed BC gear @ 60, level 80 MoP twink items @ 80 etc), no future gems / enchants DURING PROGRESSION - on your own free time in PvP etc, this is fine.
No PvP gear during progression (Old PvP sets are very cheap, and are typically near if not BiS items, we still want this to be a challenging, progressive enviroment, lots of class changes already make it easier than it was in the past)
No getting higher levels to run you through raids 1. You are going to want the lockout to raid with us 2. It defeats the whole purpose!
Current clears:
AQ10 - 6/6
MC - 10/10
BWL - 8/8
AQ40 - 9/9
Burning Crusade
Kara - 9/9
Gruuls - 2/2
Mag's - 1/1
SSC - 6/6
TK - 4/4
Mount Hyjal - 5/5
BT - 9/9
Sunwell - 8/8
Wrath of the Lich King
OS - 0/1
OS3D - 0/1
Naxx - 6/16
EOE - 0/1
Ulduar - 0/14
TOC - 0/5
ICC - 0/12
RS - 0/4
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