As lucky as I am, I'm looking forward to some serious Gnomer grind on my new horde monk. I have been trying to figure a smart way to get there fast, as I will also have to farm AGM at the same time. So to avoid having to fly there on a 2 seater mount after each AGM farm, I tried to figure out a way. First I went there with 3 chars, (got 2 p2p accs and 1 f2p acc) through the portal from Grom'gol where one of em was a 90 warlock, and planned to leave them there and then summon my monk when I had time to farm. I went to gnomer with the 3 chars, died, spoke to the angel and put up a summoning stone outside of Gnomer, but when I left again through the back entrance, I got ported back to Grom'gol even though my monk was summoned and didn't use the portal.
So my question is; is flying there the only way to avoid getting ported back to Grom'gol? And if I want to place 3 chars, including a warlock, will I have to go there manually with them, to avoid getting ported?
So my question is; is flying there the only way to avoid getting ported back to Grom'gol? And if I want to place 3 chars, including a warlock, will I have to go there manually with them, to avoid getting ported?