Realm with the most 70 twinks on EU.

Argent Dawn. Dont go there :) Try Stormscale, Defias Brotherhood or (the best choise) - Ragnaros. Gallium Lore is a pretty good guild for 70s :)
Argent Dawn is alright, however there are a fair few trolls on the alliance. The horde side isn't so bad though. Zitalin said there is also Stormscale / Defias Brotherhood and Ragnaros; I think there are a fair amount of twinks on Sylvanas and Silvemoon as well.

Either way, I wish you luck.
Oh stop being so negative you bunch of good chaps.. Argent Dawn is doing fine. And yes, there's a troll here and there, but aren't they everywhere? The only reason people act so badly about it is because "AD omg RPserver"
All to all, I'm happy with where we are today ^.^ But then again, the choice is all yours Leoqal :)

If it were for me, if you want a big, vast community, do pick AD. Otherwise Ragnaros, which is doing rather fine as far as I heard.

Do have a nice day none the less, I wish you the best
yours truly
It's not because the realm is an RP based server, all realms are full of trolls. Any realm from PVP to New Players could be full of trolls, it's all to do with the communities within the realms as well as the character / player base. RP Has nothing to do with immaturity or trolls. I enjoy RPing in my spare time " Preparing for hate " However it's rather enjoyable from time to time. I myself enjoy creating stories and events which involve a community based aspect.

Not everyone on an RP Realm is a complete asshole, it's just player orientated. The realm isn't to blame, it's the players in general.

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