What's the fastest way for gnomer runs with a 90?


I am probably going to be doing gnomer runs with my 90 and 24 on follow. I think it'll be a lot faster than pugs to get my bracers and rings for my 24s. Does anybody have any tips to make it as fast and painless as possible? Once you finish, it looks like you need to run back to start again. Back door is locked now I think?

PS. I hate gnomer too!
I am probably going to be doing gnomer runs with my 90 and 24 on follow. I think it'll be a lot faster than pugs to get my bracers and rings for my 24s. Does anybody have any tips to make it as fast and painless as possible? Once you finish, it looks like you need to run back to start again. Back door is locked now I think?

PS. I hate gnomer too!

Back door takes you out of the dungeon to the teleporter(hoping you're using it). That is the quickest way out. If you have a Hunter, just Aspect of the Pack that shit. Only issue is hitting parachutes separately unless using a dual-boxing program.

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If you're horde, it helps to have movement!

My 24 is a Druid so he's naturally like 135% movement in cat.

The 90 I'm using to run myself is a pally so he's at 120% natural and 5% increase per holy charge
I also use a macro /cast [target=24name] Holy Torch (or whatever it is) that does the HoT so I can pull a lot without having to stop and loot all the time

You can set your hearth to Grom'Gol and use that once every 15 mins as a fast escape from the dung.
You can also leave the party and it will warp whoever left outside the instance, then re-join party and leave on the other char..(takes 2 mins for both chars to get out)
I use a 85 priest as well to farm Gnomer with my twinks on auto follow. If you jump down to the big gear and jump by the plane to the next level below you can be to the Ambassador and the last boss in less than 5 minutes. I also use this macro to look for the Ambassador.

/target Dark Iron Ambassador
/stopmacro [noexists]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\Mimiron\\UR_Mimiron_TankSlay01.wav")

I use to run out of the back door to reset, but I grew sick of that noise after a couple hundred times. Now I just log both toons for 5 minutes after boss kill and they appear by the entrance out of group ready to go again just need go out to reset instance. Just my 2 cents if it helps.
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I forgot if you leave instance and come back, you are at the front. Thanks for the intel. Now to buckle up and do some runs. I've had charged gears drop for me every 3-4 runs, but none that were the right one yet! I'm lucky with rare drops. (you have to believe!)

I plan on getting the rifle and doing a 90 epic xmog on it for my 24 huntard. Hope that still works.
After 5 tiring runs with my 90 leading, which took a about 30 min, I got an Eagle, Gorilla, Agility, and Monkey ring for my Hunter. 4 ring drops in 5 runs?! I'm not complaining, pretty happy. Just need the bracer now.
Easiest exit requires your twink to invite the 90.
Kill Boss
90 Leaves/Gets Kicked (This will teleport then out in 30 seconds)
24 dies,
Both at entrances, reset, clear and repeat.

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