Quick Tips

Use Raidframes as Damageclass!

And when you are in range of a healer and you need heal then dont %$&§ run/jump/charge/blink away.
You can shadowmeld just about any spell/move in the bracket with precise timing/luck (hoj, fear, sheep, nova,punt, etc..)
During DMF, Horde can use the Goldshire DMF portal. Say, if you're farming Thistlenettle or doing STV or whatever in the area.

Wallace the Blind in/near Skittering Dark sells healing pots. So does some goblin (Kizze? idr the name) in Wetlands. They both sell to either faction (there are healing pot vendors in SW and so on who only sell to one faction).

Had some other tips, but can't think of them now. . .
Some great tips in here. 1+ to all those who mentioned BG Targets. Don't queue without it. Make sure you enable the class/spec and target count options. The later can help with the lack of target calling in PUGs.

It's been mentioned elsewhere (haven't seen it in this thread) but Healers Have To Die (HHTD) is a very useful add-on. It helps you find all enemy healers (not just the ones who chose that role) and also helps you know where your healers are and when they are being attacked. (Need enemy and friendly name plates for this, so I recommend using Tidy Plates or similar else your screen could look very cluttered.)

Keep your sound effects on and loud enough so you can hear enemy rogues when they are close. And as Izac said, get going on that anti-venom, even if you play a healer.
Anyone know an older mod that does the same as bg targets? Like one that works for 3.3.5? >.>
When you're guarding a flag in AB, stay about 20 yards from the flag so that rogues can't sap you and immediately cap the flag. They'll be able to cap the flag and restealth before sap breaks... or else you have to waste trinket.

If you are alone, don't just stand there like a gimp, waiting to get sapped. If you have no stealth abilities, mount up and move around. You might spot an enemy rogue before they are in position to attack. Make sure you 'Crazy Ivan' or they will still get you.

Better yet, call a couple of your zerging team mates over to help you defend.
Are you a warrior defending Farm in AB?
Go in def stance, Mortal strike/ Shield slam and Taunt rats to keep yourself in combat to avoid getting sapped (and to start fights with a full rage bar!)
As I occasionally forget to change my talents on my bar/binds after re-specing (especially in arena :rolleyes:) I use a few scripts to ensure mashing my bind uses the correct talent ^_^.

These scripts automatically detect the talent, display the right CD and tooltip.


/use Feline Swiftness
/use Displacer Beast
/use Wild Charge
/script m_c=GetSpellInfo(131768); m_ds=GetSpellInfo(102280); m_h=GetSpellInfo(102401)
/run SetMacroSpell("15t", GetSpellInfo(m_c) or GetSpellInfo(m_ds) or GetSpellInfo(m_h))


/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Blazing Speed
/cast Ice Floes
/script m_c=GetSpellInfo(12043); m_ds=GetSpellInfo(108843); m_h=GetSpellInfo(108839)
/run SetMacroSpell("15t", GetSpellInfo(m_c) or GetSpellInfo(m_ds) or GetSpellInfo(m_h))


/cast Void Tendrils
/cast Psyfiend
/cast Dominate Mind
/script m_c=GetSpellInfo(108920); m_ds=GetSpellInfo(108921); m_h=GetSpellInfo(605)
/run SetMacroSpell("15t", GetSpellInfo(m_c) or GetSpellInfo(m_ds) or GetSpellInfo(m_h))


/cast Nature's Guardian
/cast Stone Bulwark Totem
/cast Astral Shift
/script m_c=GetSpellInfo(30884); m_ds=GetSpellInfo(108270); m_h=GetSpellInfo(108271)
/run SetMacroSpell("15t", GetSpellInfo(m_c) or GetSpellInfo(m_ds) or GetSpellInfo(m_h))

Classes with mostly/all passives on the tier aren't listed here. If you want to have modifiers you'll likely need a different macro. If you use these, name the macro 15t, use ? as the icon. For best results ^_^

These weren't made by myself, all credit goes to another site.
Knocked down from LM by an elemental shaman? Quick acting and a bit of luck can save you:

Paladin: Bubble
Mage: blink just before ground
Druid: If you are really quick - wild charge, or at least change to cat to get less fall damage taken
Warrior: try to charge to the shaman just after getting knocked.
Warlock: Demonic Leap
Hunter: Disengage (risky: back to LM, less risky: just before hitting the ground)
Goblin: Rocket Jump

If you drop out of combat while flying and you have quick fingers you can use the slowfall beer mug or parachute from gnomeregan.
how to beat a rogue in various means.

melee: if confronting a rogue from the front, move around the rouge so the desired rouge until you stab behind their back. continually move so they will not immediately get on to you. you should be able to attack a rogue with ease if you continue to attack from behind when your avoiding the daggers or other weapons that they yield. the effect of evasion should be weak if you attack from behind using this strategy.

tank: same with melee, but make sure you get healing abilities if you’re up against the ever popular rogues with armor lower moves.

heals/spellcasters: keep rogues far away from you as possible, lay down some dots and attack with long term spells. if the rogue is still far away continue spamming dots and run after. but if not, then just lay dots down on them and run like the wind. hit/miss ratio should be minimal if you have a high enough intel on a rogue with evasion.

hunters: same with heals but when evasion is up try to run close to but not near the rogue so your pet will land hits.
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Hunters: Use another spell than arcane shot :)


For horde Druids on tot, I like to use poison totem jump off tot then leap back up with wild charge

When I fc, I like to drop flag go stealth then when my target is close, I pick up flag wild charge them then run like the wind
True facts: I used to use the Psychic Scream tip on my priest in 2's to beat teams that countered us.

No Mercy.

Extrapolation: So in Ruins of Lordaeron, the pillars at the back of each team's starting area can be feared through. But not walked out of otherwise.
Reminds me of a similar thread in the 19's section. I think it'd be awesome to have a thread where everyone's tips are put together. You could have tips for playing a class and beating it too.

Oh cool stuff B) Yes maybe everything can be put together into a thread like that one at some point...

An addon like "capping" or DBM i think has options for useful timers like flag respawn, WSG port time etc.

Sweeeet, been meaning to find an addon for that..

1- If u ever fall down in Stormwind canals, try mounting a Drenei mount, it will make u walk instead of swimming

2- When u put up a cooking fire , use White Smoke Flare - Item - World of Warcraft , it will make it look cooler

Aye! Thanks Tay. And another thing about the Elekks.. if you're alliance you should use them in AB. Allows you to walk in shallow parts of the water, walk thru water along the sides of bridges, etc. Saves a few seconds here and there.

And that smoke flare looks epic maaan..

2. Vial Cooldowns - shows enemy cooldowns over their name plates.

Dang that sounds awesome. Fixin to DL that one right now..

4: make everyone around you mad at all times.

In a lot of competitive sports that's called hyping. Good tip for helping elevate your teammates' gameplay, thanks Saint

Use rats at farm in AB
Nicee, why didn't I think of that..

You can shadowmeld just about any spell/move in the bracket
Freaking shadowmeld.. even seen it work on aoe spells like Psychic Scream. What's up wit dat

I use a few scripts to ensure mashing my bind uses the correct talent ^_^.
Good stuff, will use. Thanks Sally
Some more Quick Tips:

- Hunters, I'm tired of healing your dang pets. Make this macro.

/cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; Mend Pet; [nocombat] Feed Pet
/use Moist Cornbread

It will rez your pet if it's dead, use Mend Pet if it's alive, and use Mend Pet AND Feed Pet if it's alive and you're out of combat, all in one button. (Feed Pet heals 50% of your pet's HP in case any of you have never read the tooltip).

Not all pets eat Moist Cornbread though. Figure out which ones your pet eats and keep like 60 of them on you at all times.

- If you're trying to get Arena Grand Master - Item - World of Warcraft and there are high levels at gurubashi, don't just sit on the sides of the arena. Before Short John puts down the chest, run straight into the arena and attack somebody, or just make yourself available to get killed. It's best to start off as a ghost and try to rez and grab the chest while 90s are fighting.

- If you're laggy at Darkmoon Faire or have terrible aim, an easy way to complete the shooting game is to stand at the far left of the booth and aim somewhere between the far right and the middle targets and just spam the gun button. At a certain spot you can hit both targets without having to change your angle.

- Another really useful addon that I don't think has been mentioned yet is InterruptBar. It helps you with "fakecasting" (that's when you start to cast a heal or spell, and cancel half way through to get people to waste their spell counter abilities like Kick or Wind Shear) by showing when spell counters have been used by nearby enemies.

- Go to your Keybinds page in your Esc menu, and find "Toggle Autorun". Bind it to something and use it so you can move and type at the same time in BGs. I bind it to my weird little ~ button that's next to the 1.key

- To those of you (like myself) who can't help but give your team orders in BGs sometimes, the reality is: They probably aren't going to listen to you. Most people want whatever they do to be their own decision, not someone else's.

So instead of barking out orders, try some of these: If you need backup at lumber mill say "there's a bunch of mages heading toward lumber mill LOL" - your big DPSers will be there in a jiffy. If your team is just a rolling zerg and they're all at one base and you need people to defend, say "oh man going to be a big fight at blacksmith in a minute" - when they get there then you can say "nevermind they went to (X base that you want them to go take)".

If you need them to go kill the efc and they're just farming mid or gy, you say "Ah most of them got away, they went inside their base but they're all low HP" - B) convince them there's more kills to be had around the efc

I have no proof that any of this works, but it's more fun than giving direct orders (and less frustrating).
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Izac, this thread is a good idea and has turned out great. Kudos to you mate!

All new players to this game read this thread carefully, as it has allot of useful tips to help your game play.

(For Healers)

My tip for the day is when in premades or pugs BG'S. (Preferably WSG) can be used in AB though.

Step 1:

Have show target of target on in interface activated.

Step 2

Identify the main DPS or the guy who you think is calling out targets.

Step 3:

Focus the main damager or the guy you think is calling out shots in the BG.

Step 4:

Use mouse-over heals on the guy hes targeting and heal that friendly target. Pretty much what your doing is your healing the target before their team is attacking that target, Pre-healing ftw.

Saves you even having to target that player to heal him/her witch means you have a extra spot to target whoever you like.

Your welcome. :)
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Izac, this thread is a good idea and has turned out great. Kudos to you mate!

All new players to this game read this thread carefully, as it has allot of useful tips to help your game play.

(For Healers)

My tip for the day is when in premades or pugs BG'S. (Preferably WSG) can be used in AB though.

Step 1:

Have show target of target on in interface activated.

Step 2

Identify the main DPS or the guy who you think is calling out targets.

Step 3:

Focus the main damager or the guy you think is calling out shots in the BG.

Step 4:

Use mouse-over heals on the guy hes targeting and heal that friendly target. Pretty much what your doing is your healing the target before their team is attacking that target, Pre-healing ftw.

Saves you even having to target that player to heal him/her witch means you have a extra spot to target whoever you like.

Your welcome. :)

why do you need to identify burst all u do is bubble everything in site

anyways, skilled players will do all of their burst casts through focus targets

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