Top Known Players


Hey just wanted to get people together and discuss who they consider to be the top five known players for each class and their opinions. Ill start it off on who is known for me, fill in the blanks.

Druid: Bison

Warrior: Mialo, Oldspike

Shaman: Phron

Hunter: ...

Paladin: ...

Warlock: ...

Mage: ....

Priest: Moncy

Rogue: ...
Druid: Bendandcough
Hunter: Lil, Falanks
Warrior: Spewfeel, Oldspike,
Druid : Bendandcough , Arberian , Tkatti , BIsonpower , Lankypuss , Highbreed !
Hunter: Lil , Outlaw , Fintlek !
Pirest: Izac , Yda , Potatoez , Muncy
Paladin : Yde , Swelly , Topback , Eniopaladin , Suntosh , Klinda
Warrior : Beastzen , Oldspike , Mirenelle ,
Mage : Goonboom , Watergun+ , Ayacsika
Shaman : Randome , Phon , Riptides , Mindy , Shamanpow , Bigdip ,
Rogue : Pharis ,Durza , Ballmer and some AP Nelf females i dont know , i only know that they were a pain in the as* for me !
Warlock : Bizarre !
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Hard to nail any specific player down. Almost everyone i knew from cata has quit or rerolled to something else. On top of that i only judge players i play against, so i dont really include alliance because of it. Topback is a good prot paladin though, i've met them 1v1 in bgs a few times.
I guess your rogue is Durza right ?!
Yeah that's the one. Pally is 100 percent bis max str ret / prot . I NEVER play I though pretty much cause if I'm playing something that is t on bwl I'd rather it be my warrior or rogue .
From my huge experience in pug BGs, I'll try to make a list. I know I'll forget people so I'm sorry in advance.

To anybody crying about this thread, it's not about skill or anything, just how well known people are in Battlegrounds. Stop crying.

Druid: Bison, Tkatii, Ploy, Bend, Bop, Chelly

Hunter: Lil, Swiftbow, Outtlaw, Flintlek, Felix

Priest: Muncy, Izac, Potatoez, Elarandria

Paladin: Kale, Agu, Topback, Reflexz, Ghoulshine, Gartawah, Sleepy

Warrior: Spewfeel, Oldspike

Mage: Watergun, Deadvulcano, Arcah

Shaman: Phron, Riptides, Mindy, Bigdip

Warlock: Bizarre, Brianthebad, Luemist, Fael

Rogue: Ballmer, Zarastelle, Cheesetoast

(More to be added)
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