<Afterlife> - Level 60 Twink Guild - Alliance - EU


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Yes, we just hit 460 members :) Still raiding MC - BWL - AQ40 weekly + RP and PvP events weekly :)
omg, this is awesome! I have a 60 warrior with full AQ 40 gear and I just recieved the Sulfuras Eye. All I need now is the right server and a Sulfuron Hammer lol.

Armory Link: Máydié @ Grim Batol - Community - World of Warcraft (dat fanboy name tho)

Edit: dunno why it doesn't show up on activity feed, here's proof incase you wondered xD
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omg, this is awesome! I have a 60 warrior with full AQ 40 gear and I just recieved the Sulfuras Eye. All I need now is the right server and a Sulfuron Hammer lol.

Awesome, I got another Eye of Sulfuras a couple weeks ago - I miss the right binding too :/

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You should join us btw c:


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"yey i got sulfuras" I have 4 of them sold em all to vendor.

You always have to top things off on other peoples threads by "Ooh I had more!" or "Lol", no wonder you got 233 posts, 90% of them contain useless content <-- Also useless, but just want to point it out....

Edit: Why I posted this? Let other people have their glorious moments be glorious. Note to you ;)
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You always have to top things off on other peoples threads by "Ooh I had more!" or "Lol", no wonder you got 233 posts, 90% of them contain useless content <-- Also useless, but just want to point it out....

Edit: Why I posted this? Let other people have their glorious moments be glorious. Note to you ;)

Making your group lose while farming Graveyard in a battleground with levelers.

Well done, I'm sure they all enjoyed the battleground with you there.

Ir was more of a reply from your previous post saying we only did Wargames :)
Ir was more of a reply from your previous post saying we only did Wargames :)

Well you're on your own in that battleground so I wouldn't call that "we".

Then again, it's still better than graveyard farming with 10 twinks.

Wargames is the only legit way anyway, until more people sign up.

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