Hunter Stealth Detection RAnge

Yeah, thats my gfathered acc that I decided to upgrade and I don't play anymore, plus the hunter was my very first toon.. I don't play it since long long ago.

All my active toons are on US BwL.. Arms warrior, Ele shammy, Enhancement Shammy and Frost mage are most active.
one extremely overpowered class qqs about an other extremely overpowered class
hell yea
On my hunter I always seem to find rogues from about 50 yards but when I play rogue hunters hardly ever see me.

I'm fine with that :)
Hunters kill loners. Shaman kill battalions.

Anyway, for the poor souls who haven't mastered the arts of the assassin, sneak from the back since stealth detection in the front is rediculous.
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In case any of those disputes about the actual range of a hunters stealth detection were triggered by my "50+ yards" comment, i'd like to point out that it was a vast exaggeration.
I should of said i was being sarcastic.
Both hunter and rogue classes in our bracket are for young kids and ppl learning to play the game. If you have access of all information from TI, play in a f2p community and still roll a rogue or a hunter you are sad and shall never cry about anything cause you know you are way too op to open a topic here. Roll enhancement, roll mage, lock.... roll real classes. Wanna be strong? Go paladin, druid, warrior or shaman, they all have really strong specs and still are acceptable for the bracket. Play for the challenge, not for the faceroll and 1hit.

Hunters and rogues have quite low skill cap, but if you know how to play them (not dealing damage, but some tricks about stealth, map control, tracking, FK killing and so on) they become even more dangerous. Some people have been playing hunt/rog since 5.0, or even earlier, I would not trade my hunt for anything else, why? They no longer have mana for bar, this was the only "challenge" for me :3
try to troll harder.

As for all people in this thread I'll say this: either something have changed in 5.4 (didn't try it) or you all are missguided/lying, I have never experienced this and I consider myself "pro" hunter and want to say that have never exp. it.

Do not blame hunters that much, holy palas are much worse, or disc priests, and any healer in this bracket is horrible 1v1, they can never go OOM, it was not rare for me to deal about 300-400% of their heal until I killed them, this is NOT right.

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