fuck it
1) 0-5 yards is practically melee range, as a warrior's Mortal Strike can hit up to 5 yards away (if melee range was 0, would they hit anything in such a mobile environment, taking into account non-instant connections?).1) Hunter's stealth vision is 3-5yards, not more, sometimes even less. If hunter spots you from 50+ yards, you've got hunter mark on you, which was cast before stealth.
2) Good hunter's do not even need to "see" stealthed character, they monitor map and if track hidden finds someone they either start searching or if the target is still here cast macro (not sure about commands, did not play for months).
/target nearest enemy
/cast Hunter's Mark
3) It's almost impossible to land ambush on a good hunter without sap, you will only lose initiative, but if you sap him - it's easy, since you cant be targeted from >5yards and sap is 10.
Ah, yes, stop whining, as far as I remember f2p hunters are on more or less the same level as in 5.3 (increase in AimedS,ES,KC and decrease in main source of damage for all specs ArcaneS).
1) Hunter's stealth vision is 3-5yards, not more, sometimes even less. If hunter spots you from 50+ yards, you've got hunter mark on you, which was cast before stealth.
2) Good hunter's do not even need to "see" stealthed character, they monitor map and if track hidden finds someone they either start searching or if the target is still here cast macro (not sure about commands, did not play for months).
/target nearest enemy
/cast Hunter's Mark
3) It's almost impossible to land ambush on a good hunter without sap, you will only lose initiative, but if you sap him - it's easy, since you cant be targeted from >5yards and sap is 10.
Ah, yes, stop whining, as far as I remember f2p hunters are on more or less the same level as in 5.3 (increase in AimedS,ES,KC and decrease in main source of damage for all specs ArcaneS).
1)It's 10y, not more, they can easily mark you from other side of WSG, there was a mark on you, I'm sure, have never experienced detecting rogues from 15, 20, 25 yards.
No shit and if I've played rogue in all brackets including endgame since the day I've started to play wow.... and that was a long time ago, need to change class just to not fit your shit? What makes paladin so skillcapped? Spamming denounce? What makes druid so skillcapped? Spamming rejuv and displacement? Cmon. Cut that crap already. I'll never give up playing rogue just because it's Flavour of The Day/Week/Month/Year and every retard will make one to "pwn". I was commited to this class since the start.
Both hunter and rogue classes in our bracket are for young kids and ppl learning to play the game. If you have access of all information from TI, play in a f2p community and still roll a rogue or a hunter you are sad and shall never cry about anything cause you know you are way too op to open a topic here. Roll enhancement, roll mage, lock.... roll real classes. Wanna be strong? Go paladin, druid, warrior or shaman, they all have really strong specs and still are acceptable for the bracket. Play for the challenge, not for the faceroll and 1hit.
Maybe cause my post wasnt a troll, maybe some kind of "unburden"... And if saying the truth can risk me getting a infraction cause may hurt huntards and rogues feelings, maybe I don't belong here