Hunter Stealth Detection RAnge

Two characters I play the most often are hunter and rogue. It always seems to me that whichever I'm on, the advantage is towards the other one. I blame 24s for this.
hahaha peepz still hatin on eachothers classes. if ya cant beat ur enemy join em or skiddAddle
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In end game it is balanced due to insane movin speep ppl movin with.
I do say detection range is abit big for this bracket, but it wont help much agains 3 + rogs at sametime.
Also the only spec that has issue with this are ferals since a normal rog will pop evasion > speed potion and not run away.

But then again, If you cant beat em - join em.
The same shit seems to happen to me. When i'm on a rogue I get spotted from 50 yards away by hunters. When I'm on a hunter I never see a rogue until he opens. I got so sick and tired of it.
But i found a very nice solution is to not play either class :)
1) Hunter's stealth vision is 3-5yards, not more, sometimes even less. If hunter spots you from 50+ yards, you've got hunter mark on you, which was cast before stealth.
2) Good hunter's do not even need to "see" stealthed character, they monitor map and if track hidden finds someone they either start searching or if the target is still here cast macro (not sure about commands, did not play for months).
/target nearest enemy
/cast Hunter's Mark
3) It's almost impossible to land ambush on a good hunter without sap, you will only lose initiative, but if you sap him - it's easy, since you cant be targeted from >5yards and sap is 10.

Ah, yes, stop whining, as far as I remember f2p hunters are on more or less the same level as in 5.3 (increase in AimedS,ES,KC and decrease in main source of damage for all specs ArcaneS).
1) Hunter's stealth vision is 3-5yards, not more, sometimes even less. If hunter spots you from 50+ yards, you've got hunter mark on you, which was cast before stealth.
2) Good hunter's do not even need to "see" stealthed character, they monitor map and if track hidden finds someone they either start searching or if the target is still here cast macro (not sure about commands, did not play for months).
/target nearest enemy
/cast Hunter's Mark
3) It's almost impossible to land ambush on a good hunter without sap, you will only lose initiative, but if you sap him - it's easy, since you cant be targeted from >5yards and sap is 10.

Ah, yes, stop whining, as far as I remember f2p hunters are on more or less the same level as in 5.3 (increase in AimedS,ES,KC and decrease in main source of damage for all specs ArcaneS).
1) 0-5 yards is practically melee range, as a warrior's Mortal Strike can hit up to 5 yards away (if melee range was 0, would they hit anything in such a mobile environment, taking into account non-instant connections?).
Track hidden improves one's stealth detection, making a level 20 hunter have the detection range of a level 23 (or for a level n hunter, it makes their detection range as if they're level n+3.).

2) If a stealth is detected by track hidden, it's well within 40 yards from the hunter, and thus is attackable since hunters (themselves) can attack from up to 40 yards away. It's a matter of /targetenemyplayer, and /startattack (whether /cast Hunter's Mark, /petattack, or whatever starts auto-attacks.), all of which can be done within 1 gcd (hence macro). A hunter does not need to keep an eye on their maps for trackings when they can attack immediately.

3) It's still possible, as long as a rogue remains behind a hunter's field of vision. Track hidden may help detect stealthies from the back, but I've found stealthies are less likely to be detected from the back compared to detection from the front.

As for the whining: while the number changes to Arcane shot is an overall damage-per-focus nerf, it's also more damage within that single instant cast. These damage buffs to other abilities mean that even if hunter DPS remains roughly the same, hunters are burstier, and nothing kills like well-timed bursts.
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1) Hunter's stealth vision is 3-5yards, not more, sometimes even less. If hunter spots you from 50+ yards, you've got hunter mark on you, which was cast before stealth.
2) Good hunter's do not even need to "see" stealthed character, they monitor map and if track hidden finds someone they either start searching or if the target is still here cast macro (not sure about commands, did not play for months).
/target nearest enemy
/cast Hunter's Mark
3) It's almost impossible to land ambush on a good hunter without sap, you will only lose initiative, but if you sap him - it's easy, since you cant be targeted from >5yards and sap is 10.

Ah, yes, stop whining, as far as I remember f2p hunters are on more or less the same level as in 5.3 (increase in AimedS,ES,KC and decrease in main source of damage for all specs ArcaneS).

1) Is false. Either you play with track hidden off or you just don't target the rogues. Hunter stealth vision can be up to 10 yards, and once you see a rogue you can see him for a long time; yesterday I was hunters marked from 30-40 yards, about 5 seconds after I passed the hunter from 5-10yards... And no, I did not have the hunters mark on me before. Hunters find rogues ridiculously easily (especially F2P ones, who are usually not very good at positioning).

2) I'm not sure what you mean with this so not gonna go into details d:

3) After sapping a hunters there is ALWAYS the chance he sees you and send his pet to get you from stealth. If you sap from 10yards, the chance is quite small but it is still there.

"Ah, yes, stop whining, as far as I remember f2p hunters are on more or less the same level as in 5.3 (increase in AimedS,ES,KC and decrease in main source of damage for all specs ArcaneS)."

Hunters got disengage buffed with A) less CD, and B) don't need combat to cast anymore. They got more explosive/aimed/KC damage, so more damage and burst to their main burst abilities. Arcane shot got less sustained damage, but more burst and PvP is about burst. So all in all, they did get even more buffed in 5.4. Even if hunters were the same as in 5.3, would that really make them balanced? In my opinion no, they would still be the class with by far the lowest skill floor in this bracket.

PS. This is not a QQ post, just my point of view of how hunters are atm.
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1) Maybe not 3-5, but less than 10y for sure (sap range). ATM it's +6 levels (wowwiki/other comments).
2) Hidden targets appear on minimap only if you see them, so they appear in <10y circle around you. Hunter always need to keep eye on minimap, even more than screen itself.
3) It's possible only if hunter is running for objective and is not aware of rogue, otherwise not.
4) Burst is needed only for healers/hybrid classes (ele, balance, feral, etc.), any other character does not die within burst (hunter's burst=focus dump), even so, you will be shocked, but hunter's burst consists (and consisted) of ArcaneS spamming after initial KC,ES,AimedS.

1)It's 10y, not more, they can easily mark you from other side of WSG, there was a mark on you, I'm sure, have never experienced detecting rogues from 15, 20, 25 yards.
3)That's at least better than trying to position yourself for ambush.
Well, hunters are not balanced at all, they are kinda FOTM for not month, but for years in twinking. Just remembering all whining from before 5.4, where people would blame all on hunters.
1)It's 10y, not more, they can easily mark you from other side of WSG, there was a mark on you, I'm sure, have never experienced detecting rogues from 15, 20, 25 yards.

He did mark me from 30-40 yards for sure, I was watching my debuffs the whole time while running away from that hunter, and the mark debuff appeared when I was nearly out of his range.

You're right that he did not see me from that 40yd range in the first place, but like I said it seems like track hidden also affects the time of how long he can see me from stealth. I ran from around 10yds of him (which is when the game spotted me from his view, but the player of that hunter didn't notice me yet), and he marked me after +5 seconds, from 30-40 yards.
Both hunter and rogue classes in our bracket are for young kids and ppl learning to play the game. If you have access of all information from TI, play in a f2p community and still roll a rogue or a hunter you are sad and shall never cry about anything cause you know you are way too op to open a topic here. Roll enhancement, roll mage, lock.... roll real classes. Wanna be strong? Go paladin, druid, warrior or shaman, they all have really strong specs and still are acceptable for the bracket. Play for the challenge, not for the faceroll and 1hit.
No shit and if I've played rogue in all brackets including endgame since the day I've started to play wow.... and that was a long time ago, need to change class just to not fit your shit? What makes paladin so skillcapped? Spamming denounce? What makes druid so skillcapped? Spamming rejuv and displacement? Cmon. Cut that crap already. I'll never give up playing rogue just because it's Flavour of The Day/Week/Month/Year and every retard will make one to "pwn". I was commited to this class since the start.

Just cut it off and go reroll, you're not allowed to play a class you enjoy!
Both hunter and rogue classes in our bracket are for young kids and ppl learning to play the game. If you have access of all information from TI, play in a f2p community and still roll a rogue or a hunter you are sad and shall never cry about anything cause you know you are way too op to open a topic here. Roll enhancement, roll mage, lock.... roll real classes. Wanna be strong? Go paladin, druid, warrior or shaman, they all have really strong specs and still are acceptable for the bracket. Play for the challenge, not for the faceroll and 1hit.

What happened to the quality of trolls around here? If you're going to risk getting an infraction, at least make your post better than this tedious old saw.
Maybe cause my post wasnt a troll, maybe some kind of "unburden"... And if saying the truth can risk me getting a infraction cause may hurt huntards and rogues feelings, maybe I don't belong here
Maybe cause my post wasnt a troll, maybe some kind of "unburden"... And if saying the truth can risk me getting a infraction cause may hurt huntards and rogues feelings, maybe I don't belong here

Don't you have a f2p hunter in your sig aswell, though? :rolleyes:

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