Holy Crit finally challenges Sua Sponte to a 10v10 wargame

So since patch started, how have Premades been going? There was a challenge once it only took me a few hours to accept and actually do.

Too much trash talking, no Premades, I don't even blame people for not wanting to do them. More activity in TI than actual games. Suggestion how about we just schedule 19 Premades where they actually happen.

Everyone in this bracket has higher dodge % than my rogue.

So since patch started, how have Premades been going? There was a challenge once it only took me a few hours to accept and actually do.

Too much trash talking, no Premades, I don't even blame people for not wanting to do them. More activity in TI than actual games. Suggestion how about we just schedule 19 Premades where they actually happen.

Everyone in this bracket has higher dodge % than my rogue.


Shouldn't the trashtalking act like fuel to get premades going?
Quoted from ßàca-Juggernutts in another thread:

Seriously, no offense. Whats the problem with using scrolls? We have scrolls made by our Guild we don't buy them. We work our way to just being the best and that's who we are, if you don't use scrolls that are AVAILABLE to use whats the point? And yea Set up a 10man with us. And let me know who from HolyCrit refuses to accept your challenge. We are always down to challenges, now if we farm you. Dont QQ

Time and date please? Let's hope you make good on your challenge.

lol he's dead serious too
The dictatorship that is Holy Crit. Duo is too pussy to step up and get a challenging game going. So he makes an alternate TI account to post a screenshot (probably photoshopped btw) of him and his band of merry men winning a pug warsong gulch. Step up, stop dojing, and accept a challenge. Seeing as baca may not speak on the behalf of HC. So there is no real challenge out their, I will throw down the gauntlet. I Restopathic/Daddy challenge the oh so outstandingly skilled Holy Crit to a 10v10 premade. Rules to be determined along with date and time. Accept at your own risk.
Seeing as baca may not speak on the behalf of HC.

Thread title should br changed to Baca challenges sua sponte to a wargame, these halfassed/poorly strung together threads from you guys are really getting dull and is coming off as a bit childish...
Thread title should br changed to Baca challenges sua sponte to a wargame, these halfassed/poorly strung together threads from you guys are really getting dull and is coming off as a bit childish...

Broie, this is 24s, not 19s - there are going to be some growing pains.
Holy crit isn't a Premade type guild. It's more of a social/ farming guild. To each their own. Id patiently just wait for Ko and Dori November Premades seriously.

Funny part is Ko & Dori & bleeding hollow people "19s" have been on their best behavior and professional. Sua sponte on the other just look like trolls and butt hurt.

Hell even Curley's been behaving.

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Broie, this is 24s, not 19s - there are going to be some growing pains.

I guess I've been spoiled by being around mentally stable people, not posters like this if this truly is the typical to expect...
Holy crit isn't a Premade type guild. It's more of a social/ farming guild. To each their own. Id patiently just wait for Ko and Dori November Premades seriously.

Funny part is Ko & Dori & bleeding hollow people "19s" have been on their best behavior and professional. Sua sponte on the other just look like trolls and butt hurt.

Hell even Curley's been behaving.


I'd rather watch the Hc vs ss game tbh would be closer the other one is so obvious its as if I already saw the game...
Posts 1 screenshot of a 4v4 + pug with scrolls win. Too scared to play 10v10's RBG style. Makes you look like even more of a pansy.
Behavior? What is this kindergarten pulling cards when you do something bad? I'm trying to get premades rolling premoting the bracket the best way I know how. I'm not trolling or throwing a fit or whatever th hell you want you call it. I'm simply requesting a good game. As for the comment about hc vs ss being a close game and ss vs dori's squad having a predetermined outcome; I'm not trying to argue or whatever, I just want a good, challenging game man. I respect Dori and the rest of them stepping up from 19s. I know they've been playing together for a very long time. The odds are in their favor and it should be a great game.
Step up literally but skillwise/everyother factor besides level its a stepdown...
Step up literally but skillwise/everyother factor besides level its a stepdown...

Yes, the majority of players who play in this bracket have a low skill level, but there are plenty of potential gems out there. What Lith, I, and many others have been trying to do this whole time is to get some premades rolling so that the layman 20-24 twink can see how fun 10v10 wargames or the arena scene can be as opposed to gy farming.

I don't have any personal vendetta against Duopaladin or Holy Crit (as they say, it is just a game after all). We're trying to shift their focus from gy farming to more competitive premading so that the average skill of the bracket rises. Sure 2 shotting in the gy is fun but how do u not get bored of it after thousands of hks?

I know I've been a troll and my posts have been "brash", but I'm just trying to stir up some competitive juice here. Earlier in the year, we played several promising premades against Somfas and crew, and he agreed that it was an exhilarating experience. Dorigon's group will be ready to roll soon, but the more people who step up to play in wargames, the better this bracket becomes.
Yes, the majority of players who play in this bracket have a low skill level, but there are plenty of potential gems out there. What Lith, I, and many others have been trying to do this whole time is to get some premades rolling so that the layman 20-24 twink can see how fun 10v10 wargames or the arena scene can be as opposed to gy farming.

I don't have any personal vendetta against Duopaladin or Holy Crit (as they say, it is just a game after all). We're trying to shift their focus from gy farming to more competitive premading so that the average skill of the bracket rises. Sure 2 shotting in the gy is fun but how do u not get bored of it after thousands of hks?

I know I've been a troll and my posts have been "brash", but I'm just trying to stir up some competitive juice here. Earlier in the year, we played several promising premades against Somfas and crew, and he agreed that it was an exhilarating experience. Dorigon's group will be ready to roll soon, but the more people who step up to play in wargames, the better this bracket becomes.

10 v 10 > farming 20s for hours on end...... If anyone needs a filler for a premade I have horde and alliance toons and am always down for premades/arenas
Just for the record, "Dori's group" is a mix of 19s with a few people who've premaded together. I wouldn't talk us up just yet. If anything, Sua has the upperhand/advantage. Vote for them if you want the betting odds to be in your favor (not saying gambling is right or if it's legal on this board but just for the sake of hypothetically speaking so don't give me an infraction).
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If only.
The day this would happen would be the day Lithology farmed the GY.
.......ohwait ;)

So since patch started, how have Premades been going? There was a challenge once it only took me a few hours to accept and actually do.

Too much trash talking, no Premades, I don't even blame people for not wanting to do them. More activity in TI than actual games. Suggestion how about we just schedule 19 Premades where they actually happen.

Everyone in this bracket has higher dodge % than my rogue.



Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday Sua Sponte runs Alliance side WSG wargames.

Just ask your guildies, they attend sometimes :)

What chia said though. It only takes a few people to swallow their pride and play a 10v10. People assume Sua Sponte is all about playing 10v10 to PROVE something, but that just isn't the case AT ALL.
All we want is the thrill of a 10v10. 20 minutes of 1 huge adrenaline rush we all crave.

and until you guys experience it for yourselves you won't understand. so why not give it a shot? Who knows, maybe you guys would like it. Although i'm sure most of Holy Crit wouldn't appreciate their pride being challenged.
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care bears care about what people think...also who the hell is sue sponte?

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