
This exactly. It's the highest form of hubris to mistakenly think that someone else being different means they are inferior.

It's also pretty arrogant to proudly announce that you have unbound your S-key, implying that anyone who hasn't is somehow not as competent as you.

Truthfully, at the level we play, I don't have enough abilities to fill out my standard 1-5 and alt-1-5 keys, so I certainly don't -need- the extra key. Typically I use 1-5, alt-1-5, alt-Q for trinket, alt-E for whatever my character's other CC is (Quaking Palm on pandas for example), shift-F and shift-G for their primary class abilities (stealth and shadowmeld on rogues, stances on warriors, hunter's mark on hunters (before they changed that BS), believe me that is PLENTY of keys for a level 20.

When you have been playing PC video games, platformers, 1st-person shooters, etc as long as I have, you're not going to unbind one key for one game and throw off years of habit just to be able to say on a message board that you're one of the cool kids. If I were feeling arrogant myself, I could even turn it on its head and say that those who DO unbind their S-key obviously have no gaming experience outside of World of Warcraft PVP. But that is certainly not an argument I'm going to get into because I'm not that kind of arrogant (or masochistic).

Edit: AND I still have Q and E bound to strafe, for those times when I really need to strafe and I don't have the right mouse button down! AND I still have the arrow keys bound, for when I need to move somewhere but I'm eating chips and salsa with my left hand! (I'm left-handed in case you didn't know) ANNNND I play with a trackball instead of a mouse!! OMG burn Kincaide at the stake for being different *froth*
I use 1-6, shft1-6, shift/ctrl/normal g+f+t+r+v for many of my f2p twinks, but I get you; no point in unbinding the s-key.

As to the part of people playing other games than WoW: well this is WoW. The s-key is used to make a move you would have to make in like less than 1% of all the situations, like getting on postition when fc'ing etc; in every other situation strafing is the obvious choise.

Also don't get so messed up about people saying "I have unbinded my s-key", I remember some 19 rogue who apparently completely removed his s-key, so when he wrote in chat he would use $ instead... It's just a joke, a symbol of how they are l33t and that they never backpaddle.
I have never found a situation where I would've needed backpaddling, positioning at edges/walls is easier with the mouse.
I haven't unbinded or changed the S key to something else but then again I never use it. The only time I might use it is if I want to stand on the very edge of a cliff / edge to avoid ambushes, but that's it.

Before i was always backpedaling but now i never do it and if im playing a Hunter i bind the S key to Disengage.
I have backpeddle bound. I haven't seen much call to use it in any pvp situations, but I use it all the time while fishing.
As long as ppl have 3+ keys for /spit /lol /pity Macros I don´t care if u have a backpaddlekey.

Also more than backpaddle-hunters I get annoyed by those Jumpers, u know I stay and cast and they hop left hop right hop left hop right hop left...
Like some lunatic on crack...
Also more than backpaddle-hunters I get annoyed by those Jumpers, u know I stay and cast and they hop left hop right hop left hop right hop left...
Like some lunatic on crack...

Oh, even worse are the "tanks" in randoms who move around their target, and thus move their target around. As a former raid tank myself, I can't stand that. It's like, do you understand that there are melee ppl back here trying to stay on target? I just hope they figure that out before they're ever asked to tank something actually important.
title made me think this was a f2p hunter guide, sorry...

I have A: Turn Left, D: Turn Right, W: Forward, S: Backwards

Strafing is possible by holding Turn Left/right + Backwards, along with holding both mouse buttons down... It might seem like a clunky way to do it, but i'm used to it and it works for me :p
As long as ppl have 3+ keys for /spit /lol /pity Macros I don´t care if u have a backpaddlekey.

Also more than backpaddle-hunters I get annoyed by those Jumpers, u know I stay and cast and they hop left hop right hop left hop right hop left...
Like some lunatic on crack...
Wait lol are you talking about rogues? Cuz when we just run from someone then we can't dodge so you use and strafe jump thing that keeps you at 100% speed while you retreat, the name of it eludes me right now.
As long as ppl have 3+ keys for /spit /lol /pity Macros I don´t care if u have a backpaddlekey.

Also more than backpaddle-hunters I get annoyed by those Jumpers, u know I stay and cast and they hop left hop right hop left hop right hop left...
Like some lunatic on crack...

I do that sometimes but it's mainly a Hah I can cast LB and run and jump at the same time in your face kinda thing.
'S'-key always gets bound to Stopcast. Always. Anyone who disagrees clearly has an inferior keybind, and should feel great shame.

Except hunters, they must bind it to Disengage. Always.

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