First thoughts on 5.4

From a 24 twink / 20 f2p twink I can say that if these chants are insane as they seem to be we should really not go all out on them.
i hope this patch doesn't discourage f2ps to que up. Reguardless thoses who only want to do arena still got to earn boas thru honor in it will be hard to earn boa needing 500 honor for 250 jp. Id like to see more f2ps group up with this patch.

Since it feels like cata, i will be /tickle like a mofo.

i can't decide whether to stack intellect or stamina on my 20 p2p holy pally. help!
Yeah the bracket is bursty imo if you guys ever want to do 24 v 24 premade weapon (proc) enchants should be banned (except crusader since that has always been in since vanilla) they make it less fun...

(90 agi 22 haste)Mongoose - Proc rate is rather random and is not as much as dancing steel.

(62 agi/strength) Dancing steel - Proc's just about every fight (normally the first ambush or the first white hit before ambush which results in a bigger ambush)

(64 intellect + spirit when low on mana) Jade Spirit - Proc rate is just like dancing steel (for DoT classes BGing this is almost a must have.)

(94 haste)Black Magic - Procs just like mongoose does not proc as much but if it does proc it does give a significant DPS boost.

Rogues are burst-ier and can global people 1/2 of the time. But if the initial burst is healed through then they really have nothing after that.

Hunters are annoying like always.

Other news i need to get mats for Soul Frost >.>
Not as big of a deal as I think we built it up to be. I'm doing about 15 percent more damage than before. The heavy runecloth nerf is shit, tooltip says 1200 now but it's less than that which sucks for my hunter. Gnomish Xray scope does not proc often and the proc is very short gonna test other options.

Now the 15 percent is over all i was amazed watching people die to a explosive shot as each tick took 1/3 of their hp one crit after the other, much more burst now and no one wants to be heals..
I enchanted everything on my toon and I'm really liking it. But I ran into Skillzs and found out that a hunter can one/two shot someone now. Hmm, I'm feeling bad for the f2p's.

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