Guild Battle Thread
Guild Battles at lvl 10. Thats alot of fun! Facing up at a selected place to do a Guild battle at lvl 10. I have been thinking of making some new Guild Battle Game modes insteed of just ''Kill the outher team'' Im thinking on some sort of objective. I now have the suggestions, ''Control a hill', defend a selected place as long you can or try escort something. Im still working on this atm and i think that the lvl 10 bracket and the guilds out there need a new way of playig at lvl 10.
Im thinking that we need to be able to do something new. Something more intreesting to be a part on then just a bg vs some low geared non twinked players gy farming. So with Guild Battles able i think that all 10 twink guild out in the world could start to get more active, gearing up and building teams so they can face the outher guilds. Twinking need something new to do. So this world pvp Guild battles on selected locations between the guild would be really cool. For exampel the farm we had the Guild Battle between TTI vs TSLB. It's a really cool area to fight at and the fact its a new environment will make it even more fun and enjoyable for the twinks out there. Im thinking of making a new thread soon with the more facts and ideas i have on the Guild Battles. I might make a List in the thread so i can make a list for both US and EU so they can sign up at this list so outher guilds can see they would like to do a Guild Battle. I really think that Guild Battles is something new and fresh that can get a little more life in this bracet!
Ten Twink Inc vs TWINKS Seems Legit Bro
This is the first ever Guild Battle we have done. It was alot of fun and both guilds had a really good time doing this event. TTI won all the rounds and ended up wining the Guild Battle. The Guild Battle took pleace in ''The Dagger Hills''farm area Westfall) Next time we might do another objective. But Here is the video i made to this first Guild Battle.
[Lvl 10 Twink Guild Battle]Ten Twink Inc vs TWINKS Seems Legit Bro - YouTubeMaking new videos all the time after the events we do at <Ten Twink Inc> so stay updated when new videos is out!